albums i wish i could listen to for the first time again…


Need I say more?

Love Yourself: ‘Tear’

This album is so meaningful and the music is just top-tier.

The Low End Theory

Best album I have ever listened to.

Amor Prohibido



I said what I said and I’ll say it again.

Being Human in Public

More specifically, Sola. Truly underrated.


I will always advocate for OffonOff supremacy.

Revenge of the Dreamers III

Best collaboration album of the century, no one can ever convince me otherwise. LOOK AT THE FEATURES!

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 

No one is touching Lauryn with this album. Please look more into her process and the meaning behind this album. Also, be respectful to the queen!

Author: Jordan Brown

hiii my name is jordan or janae if you perfer I love all types of music except country my favorite writing form is poetry, specifically spoken word I write about nature and social issues. Support BIPOC Writers!!!