Tasty Tips for Character Creation!

There are so many things about writing that I love, but one of my favorite things is writing characters. Keep in mind that I am a frog that knows how to type, but for this post, I figured I could share some character writing/creation advice! This is not professional advice, but if it works for me, it might work for other people as well.

Where Does One Begin?

Personally, I begin when an idea explodes from nothingness and inserts itself into my brain. I look around at the world, think while listening to music, take note of conversations I like or think would be interesting, think of concepts I want to use somehow, and I grab them. The concepts don’t have to be character concepts- world concepts, interaction concepts, battle concepts, and more all work. They work because in order to refine those concepts, creating a character for them is just natural. Thinking of battle sequences can give you ideas on how characters move, how they hold themselves, their experiences, and personalities. The same goes for interaction concepts. World concepts are harder to create characters for, but I think it’s helpful to think about what you want to explore in that world. Once you figure that out, then you can start building a character/characters who would explore those things.

If you have a concept or thought you want to use, but have nowhere to put it, or you’re stuck building it, etc, do not cast it aside. Write that concept down and mark it. Don’t feel like you have to use that concept immediately. Sometimes I’ll have sudden ideas for concepts that have been on the shelf for months, or I’ll be working on something else and realize an old concept I had would fit perfectly inside it.

Character Notes? I Keep All My Info Inside My Head.

I can almost agree. I sort of do this now, and I used to do it all the time, but then I found out just how amazing the power of notes are. You don’t need to write eloquent paragraphs on character personalities, make diagrams, or any of that stuff if you don’t want to. It gets easier with time, yes, but personally I find copy-pasting or writing down rambles to friends far easier. Ask someone you feel comfortable with if you can rant to them about a concept, then take those rambles and put them into your notes. It’s helped me so much. You can totally go back and edit your notes, too, if you feel like it!

It may also be helpful to put big events / core characteristics you know won’t change / things you for sure want to keep / etc. in bullet points off to the side. That way you can get a quick overview, and you don’t have to rewrite core elements if your character ends up changing. Or if you need to change a core element. In any case, I recommend keeping a separate document full of things you’ve changed, most importantly in early development stages.

I Just Can’t Get Invested In This Character…

(having both bad and good characteristics in characters, even if the character is supposed to be a good guy or bad guy)

Sometimes, with new characters, I have a lot of trouble becoming invested in them. It feels more like I’m looking at a sheet of characteristics, or I’m writing someone I’m entirely disconnected from. What I’ve come to realize is that when that happens, its because the character doesn’t have enough negative or positive traits, at least for me. Adding negative traits to a ‘good guy’ and adding positive traits to a ‘bad guy’ makes them feel so much more lifelike, and therefore easier to connect to. Or maybe it’s that it makes them more interesting, and therefore more fun to write. Either way, it works! Little positive and negative traits can help, but in my opinion, the best stuff is when you go all out. It’s even better when the negative traits effect other people, not just themselves. Here are some examples:


  • Uncaring towards others, but tries to be caring for (reason). Or just uncaring to one or a few people in particular.
  • Often underestimates (or overestimates) people/circumstances/etc. Depending on what you choose, it will have different effects.
  • Not breaking the law, but creepy or weird. 
  • Extremely critical/judgmental


  • Family is extremely important to them.
  • Funny, charismatic, etc.
  • Kind of positive? Thinks they’re doing the right thing, when they’re really not.
  • Animal lover (frog lover)

And there are so many more you can create!

Author: Amelia Whitaker

I write my heart desires, regardless of the weirdness and absurdity, and fully believe others should do the same. I’ll read anything as long as it catches my eye, but my favorite genre is sci-fi, especially if it goes heavy on science, though I also enjoy fantasy. I adore researching and learning about all sorts of things- biology, space, evolution, history, culture, and more!

5 thoughts on “Tasty Tips for Character Creation!”

  1. Yes, I agree with all of these! Bullet points, character descriptions, life events these all add up into this melting pot :] Characters are so fun to write and I love talking characters with you

  2. I love learning different ways people create character it’s fun to see everyone’s different methods. I also keep most of my characters information in my head, but when I have like a large project that requires a lot of characters, I write down their basic info, so I don’t forget while writing.

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