emetophobia and word vomit

every writer knows the feeling of being stuck. there’s this overwhelming urge to write something, but i never know what. alternatively, i could have so many things to write about, but no clear way to express it. while both are inconvenient options, nothing beats the blissful experience of producing 8 poems of mediocre quality in a matter of 15 minutes. maybe the stars lined up just right so my motivation and content overlap, but nonetheless, something was created.

oftentimes, i, as a writer, forget that quality and quantity both have their place in my craft. sometimes i just want to get up and write something, even if no one will see it – even if i’ll delete it after 5 minutes because it sounds like a lovesick 13-year-old on A03 wrote it. motivation can be the hardest part, so if you have motivation, but not content, remember that your laptop, notebook, typewriter, or table napkin – are all safe spaces, exclusive to you if you wish them to be. there is a reason you’re being called to write, so let it out.

alas, my venting is over, and i will be facing my fears of releasing previously mentioned word vomit, right here, right now. unanswered, the work below, was written from 2:48am to 2:59am on Monday, September 6, 2020.

sometimes i want to pray for you,
in the middle of the night,
i can feel your crying in my soul,
i can feel you losing a fight.
but i know it’s not my place,
to try to heal your pain,
so sometimes i fall asleep
to the sound of the rain,
and it’s like you’re next to me,
but i know that you’re not,
still, if i can’t be near you,
at least there’s a thought.

so i hope you feel better,
and i hope you feel love,
and i hope that you will be
everything you wanted to become,
i hope your smile gets brighter,
and your shoulders feel lighter,
i hope you know that you’re a lover,
even when you try to be a fighter.
i hope you’ll let me pray for you
on the nights you start hurting,
and i hope you find it,
for whatever it is you’re searching.

Author: Sara Hebert

welcome :) my name is sara, and i hope you enjoy reading along with me in this little corner of the internet.

3 thoughts on “emetophobia and word vomit”

  1. I often feel strangely motivated at times I probably should be sleeping, or when I am in school doing work, ext. Some of my most meaningful things I have gotten the idea for in a half-sleep state of mind, I write it down and figure out anything more to do with it in the morning.

  2. You are SUCH a talented writer; it’s crazy. You always write so eloquently and smoothly. It’s so impressive. Your poem was written BEAUTIFULLY and it flowed so well. Teach me your ways.

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