
“Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth Death.” (James 1:15)

There were six cars ahead when I heard the screaming. A boy and a log truck, pancake cooked against the pavement. Six cars scrambled to back away and I biked forward, through the scene. Blue lights blinding, no one could see.-the boy was not dead; he had fallen asleep. The Red was dreamspilling from the left ear.

Trusting someone is harder to do when you can’t trust yourself. There is a  thin line between nostalgia and homesickness. I do not know how to reminisce without a home, so I stack my cards on the streets curbs and play until I find myself in a passenger seat. I haven’t forgotten the sleeping boy.

We are all (at some point or another), put into a box. We fill the shoes of someone before us. There is no originality in life- you are eventually going to realize you only believe you’re different because everyone else feels exactly he same way, and ,when you do see this truth, you will want to die.

Don’t worry, that’s exactly how each person besides yourself experienced it.

(You see, we are in a circle loop of the butterfly effect, and this time, there’s no retracing your steps.)

Mary threw her legs over the Thanksgiving dinner and carved her baby teeth from her gums instead of the Turkey. I see no problem with this. Let Mary bleed from her jaw, eat the Turkey with your fingers. Better yet, go Vegan.

There is nothing beautiful about sadness. The idea might be to the existentialists who are always to high, to be anything but high, but in reality, sadness is nothing but sadness. There is good feeling that comes from sadness is when it ends. ( If ever.) There is nothing if you sit stagnant in the Sad.

Romanticizing numbness only makes you more numb, not in love. I think a lot of people don’t understand that yet.

We are covered in Sins. In our lack of grace. (Or too much of it?)

I don’t walk through the valley of death because my legs are tired. I take a nap in the gutter, then go back and play cards. Build houses, watch them crumble. The sheep follow me now. I know no God, no masters, nothing is mine and I am nothing.

If ever I get the chance, every sidewalk light will go out.

I am not afraid. You should be.



Author: Katherine Westbrook

Kate. Too cool for school.

2 thoughts on “Pariah”

  1. This gave me chills. I loved the line, “There is a thin line between nostalgia and homesickness,” because – wow – that is achingly true. I like how you included a quote from the Bible in this. It fit really well. Everything you write makes me think existentially and I kind of love it. My favorite line is, “I am not afraid. You should be.” You did an overall really great job formulating and expanding this piece. 🙂

  2. “There is nothing beautiful about sadness. The idea might be to the existentialists who are always to high, to be anything but high, but in reality, sadness is nothing but sadness. There is good feeling that comes from sadness is when it ends. ( If ever.) There is nothing if you sit stagnant in the Sad.”

    I feel like whole heartedly. Sadness is such a glorified topic and you stating this is great.

    I love your writing style and I feel like you should read this at the next coffee house.

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