Poetry as Me

My heart is trapped at sea, caught in

An eternal battle between letting go and

Trusting the freedom on my tongue

My hands hunger for a new

Idea, a new overpowering thought

That pushes the hunger off the edge

I crave the wild presence of no true

Boundaries. I want to take in all that I

Force myself to reject. I need blood

Pumping through my veins, enough to

Burn right open. Seeing the other side

Does no good when all that I can get

Runs further away with each passing

Second. I want to trust myself again

But I might never reach that point

Concealed within this raging ocean

That is emotion


Boredom sets in,

same old process is testing a nerve

Will your mind to go on

smile when you see them

Hug through gritted teeth

Decide against the social norm

Morals aren’t that special anyway

Try your best not to be that person

who cuts it out first

Make them seems like the bad guy

“movies boring”

“Dinner boring”

“Skating, a walk at the park? Try harder.”

Blame it on the mood swings, on the cold season

Family problems, School stress

nitpick into it makes sense

Hugs are getting rare

“It’s too hot to cuddle tonight maybe next time”

Was that a clenched fist

Are my eyes playing tricks?

They missed a call

No good night texts
But I have the audacity

To be full of regret



He’s coming

Oh, sorry by “he” I meant they

They are nice

Or so they say they’re nice

I have heard stories

About the cruel one’s

But you can’t blame everyone

For one person’s mistake

Or you can and we did

Wait not we



I’m unraveled and loose and living in it

Living for it

That fantastic feeling of being and seeing

and smiling and being happy with no doubts

‘and god I have never felt

Such odd powers and gooey feelings

Its lovely and terrible

Because I can feel my heart grow five sizes too big

As it crawls up my throat and

another smile forces its way through

God I’m happy, I’m living, and I’m full

And I’m happy, finally happy


Stretched out and thinned at the edges

They glide into your senses

Similar to snakes

Head lopped off and wild

Snagging at loose skin and open veins

They swarm and shriek

They are not one not two

But many

Touched by millions

Craved by the masses

They burn as we burn

And we burn daily

Unable to grasp the tar breaching our minds

Shutting our eyes

Our ears overflow

Lungs constrict and expand

Unsteady, shaky, raw

But addictive

Author: Timera Gaston

I write because I can. It's my own special voice and it couldn't be any better than this. This is my growth. My history. My pride. A journey lives within the each and every word. A journey that i want to continue to share.

One thought on “Poetry as Me”

  1. Wow! I really enjoy your imagery in all of these! In some of them, you asked questions that really involved the reader and pulled me in. It’s all so vivid and wonderful.

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