*Insert bArNEy “I Love You”*

Have you found a person or group of people that you would undoubtedly do anything for? I mean, anything that you could possibly do for them, you would do it. I believe I have found some of those people. Some of them I’ve known for years, others for a few months. But, when a bond is created, no matter the longevity of the relationship, you will always care for those people. You may be questioning the specific people I’m speaking about, if you are, I am speaking of close friends. 

A genuine friendship is tricky to come by, but when you do find your person, it’s the best thing in the entire world. Nothing is better than having a person you can confide in, laugh with, and have the best memories with. I feel like I don’t say it enough because I try to show it, but I really love and appreciate my friends. Love is not a word I say often. So, when I say it I mean it truthfully. 

I’m not the most vulnerable or open person, but my close friends always see that side of me. They see the needy side of me who wants to be cuddled. They see the annoying side of me who likes to bother. They see the goofy side of me who only laughs. They see me at my lowest points always offering to build me back up again. I value them and I try to let them know that often.

I’m not the most popular person, so I don’t have a large group of friends or a group really at all. But, I do have my people, if that makes sense. I have a friend who is willing to stay up until who knows when to talk about any and everything. I have a friend with who to go on random food runs. I have a friend who doesn’t mind if I come over just to nap. I have people in my life, other than family, who genuinely care about me how I care about them. I love it here. I really do. And I also really love my friends.

I create friendships with people I want to have around for the rest of my life. I want to travel the world with them. I want to grow up with them. I want them at my wedding if I ever choose to marry. (Probably not, I don’t like the concept.) In short, what I’m trying to say is don’t take your friendships for granted. Value them and let them know your appreciation for them. 

I know that once you find your group or your person, it’s understood how you feel about each other. But, it’s still nice to hear and see sometimes. Surprise your friend with their favorite meal or snack. Call them today and tell them you appreciate them. Write a letter to them. Send them a care package. Go watch that movie you promised to watch with them. (I am not promoting the breaking of social distancing, there are apps available to watch movies together 🙂 Spend time with them, while you still have that time to do so.

I’m a junior in high school. Pretty soon, I will be a senior getting ready to graduate. I will have to make more friends and care for more people. Of course, I will still have my friends now, I refuse to let our friendship die. But, we all have totally different paths we want to pursue after graduating. We’re all going to different schools in different states with different goals in mind. All I’m trying to say is create those memories now. Love your friends now.

Hopefully with good intentions,

The Biggest Undercover SIMP 


Author: Taylor Lafayette

Taylor Lafayette is a Senior Literary at Mississippi School of the Arts. She is Editor-In-Chief over Mississippi School of the Arts newspaper, RISE. She plans to pursue a study of broadcast journalism after graduation. Senior Season is upon us!!!

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