My Music Taste: A Summary

My best friend, Cady, describes my music taste as, and I quote, “Someone who has just gone through a really bad break up.”

Sue me! I like sad, slow, 2008 bops. Is that so terrible?

I do agree with her though, my music taste is a very odd collection of songs. I would say it’s made up of three categories: 2008 bops/sad music, musicals, and a couple of popular pop songs from throughout the past couple of years.

Each of these categories though, have a different reason I have them on my playlist.

2008 bops/sad music: I look more into the lyrics with these type of songs. Even if I don’t relate to them ever, or in the moment, I find something insanely beautiful about them.

Any song by The Fray, The Script, and Paramore. They just have such amazing lyrics that I find easy to relate to. When I don’t wanna open up to people and just kind of want to mull in my own thoughts, these songs are the perfect solution. It’s almost like you’re talking to someone. That sounds crazy, but it’s true! It’s therapeutic, give it a try.

Musicals: Musicals give me so much emotion and feeling. Falling into the routine of daily life, tends to make me feel robotic. Listening to and watching musicals makes me feel again. Real emotion. The only way to describe the feeling I get, is that of how I feel at pep rallies. I’m sitting in the bleachers, watching whatever events are playing out on the court, and the band is playing. I can feel the music in my chest. It’s a completely unique feeling, and it’s one of the most wonderful moments in life. The same is with musicals. The entirety of the song gives me the similar feeling, but in the comfort of my own home.

Hamilton is a good example of this one. I don’t wanna sound basic because I know everyone and their mothers have seen or heard of Hamilton, but it’s an amazing example. Seeing those actors have so much passion on stage makes me so inspired to go out and do something.

Popular Pop Music: This one is simple. It’s nice to have an escape from everything, and just have a song that doesn’t need to be analyzed. I can just listen and distract myself.

Dua Lipa’s New Rules is my favorite pop distraction at the moment. I know it has been out for forever, but it’s still a jam. Acapella versions of this song are so satisfying. I would for sure give one a listen if you haven’t

Overall, I wouldn’t say my music taste is so bad.

Author: Emerson Hultman

Not gonna lie, there isn't too much to know about me. The way to my heart is Diet Coke and 2008 bops, I love writing and photography, and I will stop every time I see a dog on the street. I would say that's about it?

5 thoughts on “My Music Taste: A Summary”

  1. It’s neat that you’re able to actually break up your music into different categories. I don’t put much thought into music besides what I have stuck in my head or what it brings out in me. I can kind of relate with the 2008 music though. Some of my favorite songs are from the 90s or 2000s

  2. I have a super different taste in music as well, but that’s something that makes us all unique. Love those 2008 bops though.

  3. I personally love Hatsune Miku, as well as the Splatoon 2 soundtrack. I’m totally with you on Hamilton, the cast is really amazing!

  4. My music taste is 40% video game OSTS, 25% video game OST covers, 20% songs from cartoons, 10% 80s-70s music, 4% eminem, and 1% actual music.

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