Thanksgiving Scenario

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In what ways do you think Thanksgiving will be different 50 years in the future? Think about all the aspects from traditionalism to commercialism.

First and foremost, Thanksgiving is a lie! It’s built on the death of native americans, along with thievery of the Pilgrims.  It’s an over glorified holiday and shouldn’t even exist.

Now I say all of this to say, “I’m still gonna eat though.”

Thanksgiving is seen as a very intimate family event that brings loved ones close together. It provides bonding time for both distant and direct family members.

It is a time to celebrate family, closeness, good harvest, and the ever so evident: What we as people are most thankful for. Families come together around the world and enjoy each other’s company. What could possibly be better?

Coming from a personal point of view, in my household, Thanksgiving is a greatly celebrated. Not for other reasons (such as those pertaining to American beliefs that America is rightfully theirs), but to invest ourselves in family time and even better, the food!

You can usually find all the best foods in my kitchen. Collard greens, yams, corn, honey baked ham(because turkey is disgusting), dressing, and whatever else you can imagine. The cooking gives my granny and mom to bond, and me a chance to taste test all the food!

From what i’ve seen from the past five years though, is that families seem to spend less time together on this Holiday. Teenagers and young adults are now out and partying the whole break away and the secluding themselves because of judgmental family members. As well as parents who seem to have tried too hard, but then gave up. Families are falling apart because of the lack of spirits!

Not only that, but many households don’t even do their own cooking anymore! The world is simply too giving these days. It’s so easy for someone to pick up their phone and call whoever they need to cook anything for a reasonable price! I’ve even seen my own family members do it. I partially understand their reasoning( and i’m also happy that we’re keeping black owned businesses, IN BUSINESS) but I also feels as if the food lacks something without actually being made with love.

Also, families seem to focus too much on looking their very best. At a point is crosses from making sure you look presentable, to narcissism. This often creates competition within the family, also creating problems! If we can get rid of petty, materialistic ideas like this, we would be better off for it.

Traditions seem to be running thin as well, even at the dinner table. Instead of blessing the food as the day is most definitely has some law for that, people dig straight in! That’s completely unfair to the cook, the food, and whatever higher being you choose to believe in.

As the day is named “Thanksgiving“, let’s give thanks to our food!!!!!

Not only our food, but our loved ones and for the things we have, are given, and will receive in the future.

Within the next 50 years I can guarantee that Thanksgiving will have fallen, in fact it will probably be renamed. As family values decrease, so does the spirit, and the holiday diminishes.

Producers of goods also target people who both do and don’t celebrate the day. And with the increasing need to order more and more food every year, more money will be filling the pockets of cooks and mass producers everywhere. Inevitably, putting commercialism further on the rise and sucking tradition and fun out of a family event.


Author: Amaria Sumler

Self proclaimed Indigo Child, crystal lover, and collector. I'm an ambivert with frequent mood changes. I'm socially aware as well as a future activist and leader. I am also an avid reader. I can go on to state that I am very much interested in the ins and outs of the human mind. I am currently finding myself, so that I can again lose myself in my work. I am a lover of words thoughtfully put together. People, their actions, and interactions influence a lot of my writing. I strongly believe in freedom of speech and many other rightful freedoms of the people. In conclusion, all is fair and life is amazing, I will remain prosperous!