A List of My Favorite Steven Universe Songs Part 2 :)

As promised, this week’s blog is a continuation of the list from last week. I won’t waste time with an introduction, I’ll simply through you directly into the musically styling of Rebecca Sugar and company. Enjoy 🙂

5) What’s the Use of Feeling? 

Now, I will wholeheartedly stand by miss Patti Lupone for the rest of my days, and yes this song is the reason. I still vividly remember the days when the Diamonds were shrouded in mystery, and this episode was one of my favorite things. When Steven Universe was still based largely on Earth, visit into space such as this one were major, and seeing TWO diamonds? Literal star eyes. Plus, Yellow Diamond is an interstellar vocalist. 

Favorite Line: The pearl harmony at the beginning (yes I’m a yellow pearl stan)

4) Disobedient 

Oh, you wanna talk songs that I can absolutely jam to? This. Just this. No thoughts, just this. Granted, I’m a sucker for each and every Sadie song, but the combination of her and Amethyst is a combination I did not know I needed and will never live without. Their voices mesh so well together and it just scratches that one place in my brain, ya know? This song was so close to making the top three, and it breaks my heart to rob it of that, but I can (and will) still listen to it on loop regardless, so I guess it’s okay. 

Favorite Line: I stood awake wondering where my summers went, I wanna be disobedient. 

3) Stronger Than You

This song is, I’m not even joking, the first memory I associate with Steven Universe. At first, I was not watching the series linearly and this episode, and this song specifically, was the reason that I decided to dedicate myself to watching this franchise. I fell in love with Garnet, her voice, and Estelle right then and there, and Ruby and Sapphire are now my love standard. No, I will not be accepting criticism. Easily earned it’s top three spot. 

Favorite Line: I am made of love. Simple poetry. 

2) Other Friends

Oh, my darling baby Spinel. I’m not going to say that I’m completely obsessed with this character, but if she told me she wanted to end Steven, I would tell him to hold still. Spinel is so wonderful and I adore her, and “Other Friends” has that perfect theme to her. Out of all of her songs, save the ever emotional “Drift Away”, this song fits her best, hands down. Plus, it was admittedly nice to see her triumph so easily over the Crystal Gems. My girl is a battlefield queen. 

Favorite Line: Let’s play another game, this time I get to win! (You tell ’em, girl!)

And now, what you’ve all been waiting for, number one! 

1) Haven’t You Noticed (I’m a Star)

Now, hear me out. I have never felt the notes of a song hit my soul as I did when I heard Sadie singing this for the first time. It was entirely, utterly perfect to me, and still is to this day. Plus, it was the beginning of her absolutely incredible character arc! Even the episode itself was amazing, and I loved that the show took time to explore the human relationships of the world, especially the relatable ones like that between Sadie and her mother. Honestly, Steven’s rendition of the song wasn’t awful, but Sadie’s was and always will be better. 

Favorite Line: “Haven’t you noticed I’ve made it this far? Now everyone can see me burning.” Now that one hit. 

Alright, and that’s the main list completed! Thank you for coming along on the journey, everyone! Next week, I’ll finish off with the honorable mentions as I make my way into my next Steven Universe related blog entry! Until then. 

Sincerely, someone coming into view as the world is turning. 

Author: Hunter Nix

God may have put me on this earth, but Alan Rickman can certainly take me off it if I tarnish his name any further.

3 thoughts on “A List of My Favorite Steven Universe Songs Part 2 :)”

  1. I have never watched Steven Universe nor have I heard any of these songs but I love to read your writing. Amazing job.

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