Hey Inauguration Day!

Change people! It’s here! It’s coming! Are you ready?

The year is taking a wild rampant turn of events that mirror the chaos-ity of 2020 a little too much to me, but we will not talk about it.

I’m sitting here just watching the pre-stuff for the Inauguration day, and I can’t help but keep laughing and crying.

Both because I’m happy, obviously. There are just so many triggers. When the new caster announced the Obamas had showed up. Laugh-Cry. When Joe and Kamala showed up. Laugh-Cry. I’m not a Pisces but I’m crying like one today 

I can’t help but imagine if this is what it feels like seeing history being made. I woke up and just smiled today. The energy is right. My hair was just flawlessly curly- me having nothing to aid it. Everything just seems to be falling into place and going right. 

I feel as though this presidency has opened my eyes to sooo many things I didn’t even realize about the US government. I didn’t know Inauguration Day was a thing honestly, but here I am watching news coverage for all day to come celebrating it. I hope I am not the younger person to see all this and realize what goes on in our own country. I just..

I’m excited to see what’s to come, and I imagine there will be more cheerful tears. Be wild, be free, and be happy because stuff is going down and oh lord.. it’s liberating ♥








Author: Diego Mendez

Just a gay aquarius taking the day one iced coffee at a time. I'm not basic though, I like chocolate almond milk too >.<

3 thoughts on “Hey Inauguration Day!”

  1. i love this take!! especially reading it so recently after his first day of presidency, where so much good was done in less than 12 hours. it’s truly amazing, and i can’t wait to see how it goes with the first female vice president – so excited.

  2. Seeing all of this fills me with hope for the future of our country. One small step at a time, we’re moving forward to secure a better future, and I’m beyond relieved that things are looking up.

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