Stop Roasting Me Please

I fully understand this title is vague, but oh my goodness I’m getting to my limit.

Okay, so, I’m vegetarian right? Been going strong for two years now, and It’s been pretty smooth sailing. Besides the rogue bit of bacon in my french fries, and the small fish patty I thought was tofu, I haven’t broken. I think I’m doing pretty well. Other people however, have different opinions.

I would be filthy rich, like buying a mansion with a water park rich, if I had a dollar for every time someone has said “you’re a vegetarian who doesn’t eat vegetables.”

I’ve been a picky eater from the get-go, and my habits have gotten wayyyy less severe not only since getting older, but since becoming vegetarian. My family however, still sees me as that five year old who refuses to eat anything but mac n’ cheese and chicken nuggets. It is true that I honestly would choose pasta and soy nuggets over salads, but I don’t hate all healthy foods. I could eat roasted asparagus and carrots all day a long. Mushrooms? Y u m. But nah, I’m still a grubby-handed child that only reached for anything carb heavy.

What I think my family fails to realize, is that I’m healthy. I think. I definitely could afford to put down the cookie once in a while, I’m overall in a good place. My weight is healthy for my height, I’m relatively active, and I try to choose healthier options when I can. I hate that my family still sees me as a child. I am the youngest in my family (the person closest to my age being my brother, who is still six years older than me), so possibly this is why I get the bad rep?

It sucks though, because I feel as if I’m being held back. I want to be Vegan so badly. I try and I fail, but I’m still holding on to the hope that one day I can stick to it. Anyways, I’m scared that once I do, I’ll be ridiculed by my family for yet another diet change that I’m not “worthy” of. Because after all, how can I be a healthy vegan? I just hate that misconception. Just because you don’t consume meat and dairy, that doesn’t mean you can’t get proper nutrition and vitamins through other means, while still being healthy.

I’m just trying to make a lil’ announcement. For one of the first times in my life, I’m healthy. I’m not struggling anymore with eating too much or too little  and I’m eating foods that energize me, and let me live a balanced life. So family, when I come home or to visit, please refrain from telling me specifically to cut down on carbs and sugars. You don’t have any clue how damaging is. Anyone for that matter. I know you mean well, but it can really hurt a person.

Just be happy that I’m healthy and wanting to visit you, because I truly do love my family.


Author: Emerson Hultman

Not gonna lie, there isn't too much to know about me. The way to my heart is Diet Coke and 2008 bops, I love writing and photography, and I will stop every time I see a dog on the street. I would say that's about it?