First and Now

This is for

every moment I held your hand

whether it be in the literal sense

or the figurative


This is for

the dancing I made you do

that you loved

but never admitted


This is for

every smile, laugh, and kiss we shared

all the truths I whispered to you

that you never believed


This is for

our lives before each other

and the tales we shared

trusting someone for the first time


This is for

our youth

the story of first loves

the passion that bubbled beneath our young flesh


This is for

the dreams we shared

the plans we had

the promises we made


This is for

the scars and the tears

that still stain our skin

that we hate but never want to lose


This is for

your options

that you explored

Leaving me to await your return


This is for

me tearing you down

for letting me down

and leaving us both in tears


This is for

The confidence that we grew

and destroyed

which we needed, but could not hold on to


This is f0r

the feelings that we did not understand

but pretended to

as they began to consume us


This is for

last kisses on an old couch

but not knowing how final

it really was this time


This is for

the words we screamed

but did not mean

the pain I felt when you left… again


This is for

begging you

to come back

until the day came I no longer wanted that


This is for

the years that were not wasted

but encompassed with so much

loving betrayal


This is for

trying to be friends

but failing

and giving up


This is for

seeing each other

after all had ended

and the infiltration of wonder


This is for

the possibilities

of what we could have been

but never will become


This is for

who we are now

and all the ways we have grown

all the ways we have weakened


This is for

kissing someone else

that sour taste left in my mouth

that I eventually craved


This is for

the second loves

and moving on

but never forgetting


This is for

the phrase “I am not in love with you,

but I will always love you.”

My first love, forevermore


One thought on “First and Now”

  1. First loves always stay, whether we like it or not. I agree, walking away or it ending doesn’t mean the love isn’t still there. Sometimes it’s just healthiest to walk away.

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