Cool stuff I kinda Enjoy

As you guys are fully aware, i’ve been way too stressed and emotionally upset.


but it’s okay


because i have




fictional characters and other stuff


I would just like to give some high quality appreciation to the following things that make the struggle of life more bearable.

  1. memes

Memes are a part of internet culture. Memes depict funny images with a relatable caption. Memes have evoloved over time, and now have different kinds, FOr example, Surreal memes use 3d images and clip art, with vapor wave like backgrounds to convey humor. Another example is Metamemes. Metamemes are self aware. they can star out with a funny caption, but suddenly stop it by saying ” Insert Text”


2. Anime



3. obscure documentaries and “top 10” videos in my recommended on youtube.

I’m not realy sure how all these obscure videos got on my youtube feed, but I’ve been enjoying them nonetheless. ive always for sure needed to know the top ten things to do in Rome. Or the 110 facts about Animal Crossing that i may have missed. janice is on her way to recovering from an addiction to acting like a lizard? go for it, Janice.

4.various video game characters.

I mean, hey, they aren’t real but they sure do appreciate me playing as the main character. protagonists for the win. personal shoutouts to all my waifus. Every character from Fire Emblem. Now, Nah, Robin, Panne, all my lovely homegirls.  I appreciate all of your support conversations.

5. clearance purses from the thrift stores. 

If a purse is so bad, that its on clearance in a thrift store, then it is the purse for me. I have acquired many monstrosities across the years from my rigorous work ethic of digging through piles of dusty purses from years past.

6. stuffed animals I get attached to before leaving a store.

do you ever see a stuffed animal and just know you can’t leave without it? that happens rather often with me. Some call it an obsession. I call it compassion. I see, I like, I buy. If I don’t, I just feel guilty about it.


I guess the things I like can be weird, but aren’t we all a little weird? what are some things that make you guys happy?

Author: Kerri Bland

Is it natural to wonder how people hear your electronic voice? We all have our own interpretations of literature, and what the narrators voice sounds like. To be of influence, i'd love for my electronic voice to be compared to that of a gremlin. When you read my posts, read them in the most gremlin-like voice possible. The kind of gremlin that lives under a bridge of a dried up lake, steals everything, and has a nice stash of marshmallows to roast at the earliest convenience. Do what you want with this information :)

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