Just try to decipher this.

Name: Legal

Age: Still alive

Status: Upper lower class in Colonial America

Occupation: Former Miss America applicant.

Hair: Wack

Clothes: Wack

Way I don’t even smile: wack

They always tell you to find the McDonald’s in the woods, but where are the woods? and is McDonald’s truly real? Our lives are filled with metaphors, McDonalds being perhaps conceived as being possibly of the status of state of mind which can also be, but never truly be, and with each can not just, but also with excessive force be thought of as that which is of the way of life and which we live in it. The Burger of Peace being one such example.

Metaphorically, we all have tortilla chips. sometimes they are in our heart, sometimes they are in our hands. However, we truly struggle when they are stuck in our esophagus. The esophagus in this case being hard times. Many times before have i been spotted weeping in the Taco Bell, and its not just because there’s beans in my ketchup. There’s no need to sweat the beans in your ketchup. It’s always the sharp and salty metaphorical tortilla chips. their jagged edges cutting into your inner flesh, like a fish in an odd situation in which that would happen.

But there is more to life than our metaphorical tortilla chips. they make us strong, but they do not define us. we have to find our own McDonald’s in the woods. This will truly help us, not only to be, but also to not be in the situation of which can not only help, but truly discover the things which, in the right context, can help me find that which is of the both helpful and great ways of life.

Fryers are burns, but ice is cold. this can also be taken in many ways. for some, the fryers are people. the ice is crushed. Together, you can preserve a body. However, hopefully you’re not in that situation. The fire of the fryer can be hot, and can burn like a flame for a while. Yet, there is no balance without the ice.  We never want our fryers to take over us fully.

There is no correct way to interpret this, but there isn’t an incorrect way either. What is your fryer? What is your ice? What are your beans? What are your metaphorical tortilla chips? What is your social security number? Where is your McDonald’s in the woods? Why do you weep in the Taco Bell?


Author: Kerri Bland

Is it natural to wonder how people hear your electronic voice? We all have our own interpretations of literature, and what the narrators voice sounds like. To be of influence, i'd love for my electronic voice to be compared to that of a gremlin. When you read my posts, read them in the most gremlin-like voice possible. The kind of gremlin that lives under a bridge of a dried up lake, steals everything, and has a nice stash of marshmallows to roast at the earliest convenience. Do what you want with this information :)

3 thoughts on “Just try to decipher this.”

  1. Omg, I love this. I smiled at the first part so hard. I wish I could write as well as you sometimes.

  2. I weep in the Taco Bell because, honestly, I’m not a fan of Taco Bell. Imma be crucified by the general population because of that, but it was time I finally confessed.

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