Feel Good pt 2

If you didn’t read part one, the jist of the post was that there are certain things that make me feel good, and feel like myself again. For example, the color pink. That’s a feel good color right there, which is why this entire post will be in pink!

Anyways, I know this sounds basic, but Billie Eilish is one of those singers who just makes me feel emotion again. I’ve really been loving “idontwanttobeyouanymore”. It’s a sad, deeper song by nature, but ugh I just want to play it over and over again. 

Another thing I love, is stickers. Just decorating things in stickers is so much fun, and puts a personal spin on things. 

This leads to another feel good item, which is any type of “knick knack”. If you look at my desk, home or here, I have an abundance of useless things. Just lil’ figurines, but they make me so happy. Just to look at them. 

There are some memories that are feel good memories, that just thinking back on them make me all giddy and happy all over again.

Back in the end of March, maybe early April, there was a time where me and a bunch of friends went and watched horror movies at their house.  The first one was called Veronica and the second one I had already seen a bunch of times, Creep 2. During Creep 2, I took such a peaceful kinda nap. I was in and out of consciousness, and the environment was just the best. I can’t describe it but I felt so great? Even though the point of horror movies is to scare you, I just had an amazing time. I think that’s really high on my list of memories. 

Another feel good memory is when I went to Disneyland this summer. I went with my best friend, Cady, and oh my goodness that was such a good time. We video-taped the whole thing, and honestly we need to edit it so we can have the memory laid out for us. Anyways, we just had the best time! We went on rides, had amazing food, got really cute merch, and overall had a good lil’ friend day. 

One thing that is a feel good type of thing, is having my hair touched. I realize how weird that sounds, but oh my goodness. I love having my hair cut, just because I find it so relaxing. I can’t count how many times I wish I could have fallen asleep at the hair dresser. In elementary school I had really long hair, with ringlets, so people used to play with my hair a lot. It was g r e a t.

I wish I didn’t have to rely on things for my happiness though. I mentioned this in part one, but when these things aren’t around, I feel like my brain is a rock. These things are far and few in between too, so I’m left in my zombie-like state for weeks on end, with only a couple moments out of it. 

Looking back, It wasn’t always like this. I wonder when the rock first appeared? That’s another topic for another day. Not for a feel-good post. 

Author: Emerson Hultman

Not gonna lie, there isn't too much to know about me. The way to my heart is Diet Coke and 2008 bops, I love writing and photography, and I will stop every time I see a dog on the street. I would say that's about it?

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