I Hate Puppies and Babies and You Can Get Over It

Firstly, let me just explain my argument before I get called heartless or insensitive(which I certainly do agree with).  I do like animals in general; what I do not like is the idea of domestication. I think animals are useless as “friends” to humans in households- that’s not why they exist. When I state that I absolutely cannot stand puppies or kittens or toddlers or even the sweet-sticky-cuteness of both of these relatively appreciated creatures, I mean it. Why is that a bad thing? I have reasons to back up my statement, the first being:

  • We tend to elevate the aesthetics that come from animals, and we ridicule them to millions of pictures, scratchy outfits, and high-end dog/cat food. We are not able to ask what these animals want, whether or not they hate ear scratches or throwing a ball monotonously back and forth; we cannot speak for these animals (obviously).
  • We are allowed to eat cows, chickens, etc., but not dogs or pigeons? Is this not discriminating to the poor animals we have no heart for? That being said, I have nothing against eating animals, but I think that is extremely odd that we condone the mutilation of some animals for food, clothing, etc. and just keep others as pets.
  • Secondly, pets are useless besides trying to get away from actual human connection and instead opting for a chill cat or hyperactive Yorkie. I don’t want to be misunderstood, but I think some people grow up to become “cat ladies” just because they despise human connection or feel like no one will accept them as who they are. Does this mean that this “cat lady” has cats that love her? Who can figure this out if pets can’t speak for themselves? Maybe we are hurting animals by domesticating them more that we are helping them.

Side note: (Guys I think pets are okay I just really have no other reasons for hating “cute” pets besides me just thinking they are grotesque.)

My next confession is on children- those disgusting, annoying, absolutely nasty little heathens we take pride in calling our own. I cannot stand small babies because I don’t like the idea of two people having the responsibilityto fill a newborns’ head with whatever kind of education, ideaologies, mantras, etc. they choose. This is how serial killers are formed. Don’t get me wrong, some parents do a great job of aising their child to be a responsible citizen in a community; others raise their kids to be sexist, etc. and when the child grows older that’s  all that kid will know.

Also, have you ever realized how insanely dirty children are? Toddlers eat anything that will fit into their mouth, from stale popcorn on the floor to Legos. That’s terrifying- I think that they are just warming up to learn how to eat people.

Author: Katherine Westbrook

Kate. Too cool for school.

4 thoughts on “I Hate Puppies and Babies and You Can Get Over It”

  1. The last paragraph I 100% agree with. The responsibility of having children is terrifying, and they can be disgusting. And I get some of your points on the pet side, but not all of them. “Secondly, pets are useless..” I have to disagree with that. You mentioned that they offer connection and companionship, but in those two things they also provide a lot of help and support. Take service dogs, for example. They’re pets, are they not? I mean, they’re “working” but they’re also loved by the human they assist and are likely considered a beloved pet/friend.
    This was a very interesting topic to approach, and it was interesting to read your thoughts. Great piece!

  2. I cant say that i agree with everything, but i do think you made really good points, about children being dirty and about the separation of animals from pet to food. Overall thank you for sharing your opinion its nice getting to know your views a little more.

  3. I laughed so hard at the title. I actually love you Katie, thank you for this piece. It is very interesting how you explained your statement in the title and defended it with bullet points. I think that’s a really cool way to address an opinionated blog, and you did this very well. I felt myself wanting to hear more, as well as more topics explained by you like this. The last line was hilarious. I laughed at the side note as well, and I can tell you really put your “voice” into your writing, which I commend. Thank you, Katie, you are awesome 🙂

  4. The children!! Small and dirty and smart mouthed, they’re way worse than animals. Children are pure evil and i’m proof of that.

    “I don’t like the idea of two people having the responsibilityto fill a newborns’ head with whatever kind of education, ideaologies, mantras, etc. they choose”

    I whole-heartedly agree. Filling a child’s mind with whatever you believe is best, IS NOT always best.

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