life in reverse


There will come a day my body is laid opened

Drinking in harsh light in a barren room

with fifteen others that have no name


Cut up and stripped to cold skin

Against metal bedding

Smelling of fruity Clorox, Stale coffee


Grey eyes once brown glued shut

From fear of flying open

To meet the crowd of black sobs

with accusing screams


Mouth sewn shut

No way to speak about the liars

Pristine at the Oakwood podium

Reading scripts with a knowledge of past



While I rest in a box of plastic

And thin cloth, wrapped tightly against the skin

Up to the forehead


Like a mummy, not getting to see

Who would walk up next to the stage

Old not forgotten 

I would see teens smoking their weight in weed

flashing credit cards, parent owned

playing adult, in drug stores

laughing at the sky

as if it has not been there for years

tapping cigarette ash on gravestones

marked with my name in bold

Grown ups scream too

Grownups scream too

when the light wont turn green

when the dogs pees on the new carpet

when the bill is due

when the work day wont hurry up

when they realize they have no life

grownups scream too

I should know

I’m screaming now

Teenage Angst or Sick Fascinations 

I was never one to dip into hysteria

when the world went flat and grayed at the edges

soaking my skin in despair

like a new perfume that everyone was wearing

in multiple coats

to thick to smell the fear they hid

is that why they filled their lungs with smoke

and carved their skin with knives

oh so pretty dripping from scarred skin

tears fell in pools at their feet

from strangers feeding off their sadness

Teddy bears and gummy knives 

I was a princess at the age of 3

but was dethroned at 4

when a new princess knocked me off the throne

so i threw a fit

and got hit

across the face for throwing knives in her crib

as she slept at the foot of their bed

What the hell is that!

if i knew the pain

i would feel

i would have stayed

in the womb








Author: Timera Gaston

I write because I can. It's my own special voice and it couldn't be any better than this. This is my growth. My history. My pride. A journey lives within the each and every word. A journey that i want to continue to share.

4 thoughts on “life in reverse”

  1. I loved this. Not only did I love this but I read it more than twice and wanted to read more. This was fantastic as a blog piece even though it is a poem, in my opinion. Please post more like this, I’m ready. I especially liked how you italicized some parts and the repetition of “grown ups scream too”, as well as talk of you being “dethroned”.

  2. i love how hard-hitting the last stanza is, which i assume is the purpose of writing life backwards from its end. this perspective of life in a mirror puts life itself into perspective, sometimes funny and sometimes poignant, yet never failing to keep you on your toes. i really loved reading this piece.

  3. I really, really like this post and enjoyed reading it, as well. Your backwards-storytelling really drew me in. Great post.

  4. I really enjoy your gritty and slightly morbid display of life. I like how you went through the cycles backwards, giving us something to look forward to at the end. Great job!!

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