My First Month at MSA

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a whole month since I’ve stepped on campus for the first time. Somehow it feels like ages, but at the same time, only a few days. I’ve lost any regular sense of time being here, and I’m sure that isn’t just a problem I’ve been having. 2020 has proven itself worthy to be stamped into the history books for centuries. With a global pandemic, the current state of the country, and one of the most important elections of all time hanging from its belt, it’s more than qualified for a couple of chapters dedicated to it and its effects.

It’s impacted my education in more ways than just one. With virtual learning making things more difficult to grasp and the intense toll this year has on my mental health, staying on task in school is nearly impossible. For example, I’m currently writing this at 11:56 pm the day before it’s due, which is something I would have never done before. I’ve spent way more nights crying in the shower than I’d like to admit, and the amount of visits I’ve made to the nurse’s office outnumber how many times I’ve seen Promare, and if you know me at all, you’ll understand that isn’t a small feat.

My first week here was arguably the most stressful one I’ve ever gone through, and it was a miracle I didn’t have to leave campus. A last-minute schedule change, an ungodly workload, and just an enormous constant state of confusion is enough to drive anyone insane, especially someone with a preexisting anxiety disorder.

However, as horrible as some of my days were, I wouldn’t go back and change my choice to come here for anything. The people I’ve met, experiences I’ve had, and memories I’ve made make up for any stress or despair I’ve gone through. This is truly a unique and special place to be, and I’m beyond lucky to be able to attend. The laughter shared over a pizza at Fox’s, the delighted yells from me and my friends as we ran down the sidewalks of downtown Brookhaven, and the intimate moments shared over the phone at 2 am are all things I will cherish forever, and I am more than willing to go through those stressful weeks a million times over just for those experiences.

So as the clock reaches 12:30 am and my eyes begin to struggle to stay open, I’m smiling at the wonderful people I’ve met and long to grow close to during my future weeks here at MSA. I know no matter what struggles my classmates and I will have to face, we will make this our year. We will rise, we will fly, and we will shine.

Author: Lauren Stamps

Just a writer who really likes fictional robots :)