space is wild, and other discoveries

So, in case you didn’t know…outside of Earth there is thing big ole thing called spaaace. And boy is it filled with tons of mystery. Lately, I have been up late at night watching space videos. Why? Because I asked myself a question: 

How Far Can Birds Fly Up?

Please, don’t ask me where the question came from. My mind is a very random place. But I’m willing to bet you’re curious how far birds fly up too, right? Well, it really depends on the bird(oxygen has much to do with it), but coming in first place for the highest flyer coming in at 37,000 feet is *drumroll* 

Image result for ruppell's griffon vulture

This cool dude!- THE RÜPPEL’S VULTURE

Anyways, this had me suddenly curious about space. I mean, there’s so much we don’t know about it! So here’s some interesting things I have learned recently about space/ residing in space/ being an astronaut. 

1. Due to the lack of gravity, your hair will stand up in space: Have you ever wanted to have troll hair…well boy, do I have an idea for you. I guess I never realized all of the differences due to the lack of gravity in space. For example, water will just float about- you can catch it in your mouth. 

2. You need to exercise every day in space: There is certain equipment that is used to keep yourself strong for when you get back to Earth. If you didn’t do that, then you would be walking jello.

3. Animals have been taken into space: Yes, even fish have been taken into space. Although they didn’t do so well. They lost bone density almost immediately while in space. 

4. You will see a sunrise every 90 minutes: Now, that’s got to be pretty wild. Although, astronauts have a schedule to keep themselves oriented. 

5.On a rocket, it takes about 8.5 minutes to get into space: Look, I’ve been in a helicopter before- it took a good bit to get up high. All I’m saying is I couldn’t imagine how it feels to be going that fast. I would probably get a headache.

There’s a ton of more interesting things about space. I encourage you to look into it. Down below, I will put the video I watched early in the morning. It’s pretty long, but I found it quite interesting. I learned a lot just because of my curiosity. Sometimes, it is good to see where your curiosity takes you. I think I’m now inspired to write a space-themed story.

Here’s the video:

Maple 🙂

Author: Maple

Maple(hold the syrup) is a wild creature from beyond. He likes connecting with others, and having philosophical conversations, while also laughing a ton. He adores nature in general, and cannot breathe if he's not in it once a day. He dreams of owning a plant shop with a corgi, and a brewery on the side. He also wants to major in psychology, and, of course, write.

4 thoughts on “space is wild, and other discoveries”

  1. This was a very interesting post Maple! I was so surprised when I read that it only takes 8.5 minutes for rocket to get into space. I can’t imagine how it must feel to be in the rocket ship going through the sky. (lol you see what I did there)

  2. Hannahhhhh. This was very interesting and factual. This reminds me of all my brothers because they’re like constantly talking about space lol. I really enjoyed reading this:) Also, did you know that when people are traveling in space, they’re not floating because there’s no gravity, they’re floating because they’re going so fast in one direction?

  3. Space is…scary, but surprisingly I would be more willing to go into space than the ocean. This was cool post Map!

  4. Personally, I would love to read a space story. But back to the blog…Thank you for sharing the results of your curiosity. I myself am often pulled into the depths of Wikipedia (thanks, procrastination). I found the facts quite entertaining, and I learned a thing or two. Also, I appreciate your humor a great deal. I share a lot of your thoughts, especially the one mentioned last. I can only imagine how astronauts feel. Your blogs are always epic. Thanks for this post (I love). Muy bonito. (:

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