A Series of Lyrics

Lately, I’ve been particularly infatuated with lyrics in songs. And in every single song without fail, there will be a lyric that I always look forward to. It gets to the point where if I miss it, I just have to rewind so I can hear it.

“Crush Culture” by Conan Gray

“No one cares if you two made out

I’m sick of the kissing cult

I think this lyric is overall just interesting. The whole song is describing how  Conan is sick of crushes, and everything that comes along with them, specifically with other people. Describing it as the “kissing cult”  is so funny to me, but oddly accurate. It just sums it up perfectly, and I commend Conan for thinking of this lyric. (This music is also super duper aesthetic, and I’d give it a watch if you decide to listen to this song.)

“Banana Bread” by Cavetown

Banana bread before I go to the bed will put the bees to sleep

Otherwise they’d buzz and sting my lungs all night inside of me.”

I honestly don’t know why I like this lyric so much. I think it’s just my love for banana bread that’s calling me. Good song though, would give a listen if I were you.

“Peach Scone” by Hobo Johnson

“She’s a peach


She’s a peach scone.”

This song plays around with lyrics and poetry/rap like lyrics that are soooo cool. This lyric makes a lot more sense if you listen to the song, so obviously you should, but anyways. Hobo Johnson  has an interesting style that isn’t exactly rap but it isn’t spoken word?

“Death & Taxes” by Daniel Caesar

Surely my sins have found me out

God rest my soul, but show me out.”

The religious aspects of this song are memorizing. They’re so dreamy but they speak wonders to Daniel Caesar views religion, and it’s really cool to hear that. The melody is gorgeous as well, making the song wrap up nicely.

“Mona Lisa” by Monte Booker

“I’m on a first-name basis with danger

It’s stranger when I’m there

I’ll let the narrator tell you how it goes.

I enjoy the idea that we each have a narrator for our life? And while this isn’t the exact purpose of this lyric, it’s cool to think about how our narration would go if someone else was doing it. Like if we were all characters in our own book. How n e a t.

Anyways! That’s that! I didn’t wanna bog y’all down with TOO many song if you get what I’m sayin’.Hope you enjoyed some lyrics!! And my perspective on them :))))))))

Author: Emerson Hultman

Not gonna lie, there isn't too much to know about me. The way to my heart is Diet Coke and 2008 bops, I love writing and photography, and I will stop every time I see a dog on the street. I would say that's about it?

2 thoughts on “A Series of Lyrics”

  1. very interesting. my favorite part in Peach Scone is when he lists off the names of different scones and then talks about squash

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