Celebrating Mediocrity

I’m mediocre. I wear mediocre clothes. My face is mediocre. I make mediocre grades. I don’t really do anything that makes me rise above the crowd. I’m just mediocre.

For a long time, I had high standards for myself. I wanted to be one of the best. I wanted to dress nice. I wanted to look the best. I wanted to make the best grades. I wanted to be one of the best.

As I got older, I found myself not wanting to be the best. I found that it didn’t matter as much to me as I had always thought it would be. I felt myself getting more and more satisfied with my mediocrity.

I don’t know if it was because I simply started to get lazy, or if I was getting more and more of a sense of apathy. But I think that, in the long run, being complacent with my mediocrity helped me through some hard times. I didn’t push myself to try to be the best when I was too tired. I didn’t try to push myself ahead when others were ahead of me. I didn’t want to be the best.

Being the best comes with it’s expectations. When you become the best, you’re expected to always be the best, no matter what. And do you know how hard of an expectation that is to live up to? I know it caused me a lot of negative thoughts when I was younger. As I grew up, I realized that maybe I just wasn’t meant to be the best. I was just meant to be mediocre.

As a society, I feel like we celebrate greatness too often. There’s so many people we see as “the best” at whatever they do. Those people are always expected to do their best, no matter what. I would never be able to live with that sort of pressure.

Why don’t we celebrate mediocrity? We don’t all have to be the best. I’m not saying to not try to do your best, but if your personal best is mediocre for the world, be proud of what you’ve done. You did your best, and even if everyone doesn’t think it’s the best they’ve ever seen, you can be happy in knowing that you tried the hardest that you could, and you should celebrate that.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is, I feel like we put too much focus on trying to rise above everyone else. The world can be more than just a “dog eat dog” world. It can be more than everyone pushing themselves to always do more than that next person. I think it can, at least. And I wish more people had this feeling about the world.

Let’s celebrate mediocrity, for all the people who always feel like they’re inferior because their best isn’t perfect. But that’s okay, because there’s hundreds of people like you out there. And I am one of them. So maybe we can all celebrate our mediocrity together, and though this, we can show the world that there can be more than perfection.

Author: Caroline Nations

I used to be Caroline Nations. If this is who you're looking for, I'm sorry. I'm Kai now. Seventeen, young and sweet, MSA student, and I'm not throwing away my shot.

2 thoughts on “Celebrating Mediocrity”

  1. as we say, “Good enough!” For real, this is a big mood. id rather be happy and mediocre than depressed and the best at everything.

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