
This weekend was an interesting one, I guess. My mom picked me up from the school and then we headed back home. I stayed for a night there, and on Saturday, I stayed with my grandma and grandpa because my cousin and I were gonna see a movie together with my friend. We went to see The Meg, and it was interesting. I enjoyed it, but they didn’t really find it awesome or anything. It was a cliché shark movie really, just involving a prehistoric shark this time, but those were my favorite type of movies when I was younger. Jaws is my favorite shark movie of all time. 

Not to be funny or anything, but I didn’t really miss anyone. At least, not my family members. I love them, don’t get me wrong, but I just wasn’t worried about how  anything was at home besides how my dog was doing. I’m fine being away from home, but I think that’s just because of my dad always telling me that I would get homesick. Every time he said it, I always thought to myself, ‘No I won’t.’ I think that because he kept saying that, it cemented the thought that I wouldn’t miss them after I left. I’m gone again, and I still don’t miss them. It’s strange, but I know I’m not the only one around here who doesn’t really miss their folks. My grandma cried because I was leaving again. I tried to comfort her, but I’m not the greatest at comforting people when they cry. She said that she was going to be upset as I left, but once I made it to the school, she would be fine. Everyone has said that they’re proud of me, and I’m glad for the support that I do have. I’m glad that my family is supportive of me, and didn’t try to beat down on me for not wanting to finish school where I was. I’m enjoying myself here, and I’ve actually been able to do what I love, which is to write. While at home, I barely wrote because I was constantly uninspired or was always distracted. My little brother was always loud, my sister was never really a problem, my parents would leave and I would be stuck babysitting. There was never anything new, but here, there’s always something going on. Every day is never dull here, and I’m glad to call this school my new home. 

Author: Morgan Crosby

The girl from D'Iberville is a really dull girl. She locks herself up in her room, content to spend her time reading and occasionally writing. She loves to read little YA romances and sometimes finds herself with books about history. The main thing motivating her writing is her overactive imagination and the strange dreams that plague her sleep. Her works also stem from what she has heard from music, conversations, or when half asleep. Crazed killers, haunted mirrors, and murderous siblings seem to be part of her stories in some way, but they always start off in her dreams. She started writing when she was in middle school, but had been telling stories since she was little.

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