
I wake up one morning earlier than I usually would.  The sun has not even fully risen.  I lie awake in bed trying to persuade my unconscious mind into succumbing to sleep once again, but it eventually wins out and forces me out of my bed.  I get dressed and make my way downstairs.  I make a bowl of cereal and start to eat it in silence.  After a few bites, I decide to turn on the TV.  I walk into the living room to get the remote, but I am surprised by what I find sitting next to it on the couch.  I find a corpse sitting there looking as if he is just relaxing.  I stand still staring at it, not knowing who the body belonged to or what I was supposed to do about it.  I eventually decide that I should call 911 and tell them that I’ve found a dead body sitting on my couch which they immediately question, but I have no answers for them.  I finish the phone call and proceed to do the same with my cereal.  After doing so, ambulances and police cars pull up with sirens blaring.  I open the door to let them in.  The paramedics confirm that the body is in fact a dead one though I felt pretty confident in my personal assessment of the body’s state of being.  The police officers questioned me, but I had as many solid answers as I did minutes earlier on the phone.  They eventually put the body in an ambulance which I found ironic and drove him away.  As they drive away, I go back into my bedroom, brush my teeth as well as my hair, and just finish preparing to leave in general.  I look down at my watch and realize that it’s time for me to leave.  I go to head out the door, but realize that I don’t have my car keys.  I check the kitchen counter, my beside table, and just about everywhere else that I’d think they could be.  I look over my living room and see my key chain poking up between two couch cushions.  I grab them, but as I do so, I smell something awful.  I hold my breath, and get outside.  I sigh to myself and hope that getting my couch cleaned won’t be too expensive.  I then get in my car and drive to work.

Author: Jackson Palmer

Jackson Palmer is a student studying literature at the Mississippi School of the Arts. He hopes to use the education he obtains there to write novels, short stories, poetry, and scripts for movies, television, and theater productions. Additionally, he would like to write within a number of genres such as comedy, drama, horror, etc. Some of his favorite writers and influences include Billy Joel, John Steinbeck, and Dan Harmon. He hopes to explore concepts and systems of thought such as existentialism, nihilism, and fulfillment within his writing. He would like to thank you visiting his blog and hopefully reading his work.

4 thoughts on “Morning”

  1. I love how distinct you style has become to me. Like, I can tell when a piece is yours. When you have this voice with characters like you do in this piece, there a short and simple sentences, but they’re great because they put the reader in the mindset of the narrator/characters. This is a really great piece!

  2. I have so many questions as to who, what, and why!! You should do a series of these with no real answer/ending.

  3. the way your stories flow always go so smoothly. Like it makes it hard to see the main topic, but I think that’s what I like most about it. How it mentions the dead body but quickly goes to something different. I think it really shapes the flow of your stories and gives you a unique writing style.

  4. Solid post, though I don’t think I understood it correctly. I like how nonchalant it is, especially when the story is dealing with so much death.

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