World Building Project pt. 2

I don’t think I actually specified on any of my personal rules for this world building project, as oxymoronic as making rules for a unrestrained creative project may sound. So far, I’ve come up with two main rules.

First, there wont be any humans or Tolkien races, ever. So no elves, orcs, dwarves, etc. I want to make sure that this is new and refreshing to me. As nice as those architypes are I’d rather not incorporate them into this. Not only because those races have become common place and somewhat boring in fantasy, but also because I want to push my creative designs to their limits. Hopefully making something that is completely detached from stereotypical fiction races and creature designs.

Second, I’m going to try my best to make sure there wont be a consistent atmosphere or tone to this. One picture I post might be of a detailed map citing every country and landform on a planet, or intricate lore and diagrams of the local food web, the next might be a photo taken from some soldiers taking a lunch break. Essentially giving you all a lot of lea way when it comes to piecing this all together. 


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Author: Joseph Hanna

I want to go back to bed.

One thought on “World Building Project pt. 2”

  1. I am excited for the result. I can see you creating a masterpiece that could rival some of the classics.

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