Moving On From “The Year That Shall Not Be Named”

2021 is finally here. Last year left us with many battle wounds and injuries, but somehow luckily we survived. Now that the next chapter of so many of our lives is here, it is up to us to make the most of it. Pandemic and all.

Here are three key ways to maximize your life in 2021!

  • Start A Journal

My journey with journaling began when I started my literary classes at MSA. (Thanks Mrs. Sibley) Before MSA, I never really felt comfortable journaling, the thought of someone opening a book of mine holding what could possibly be my deepest and darkest secrets terrified me. Now, of course, journaling has become second nature for me. The benefits of journaling definitely outweigh the irrational fear of the exposure of my secrets. Journaling helps me to remember specific things about my life that I would usually easily forget about. I literally can barely remember what I eat for breakfast, but if I journal about it, I am sure to remember. I also tend to use journaling as  a venting outlet. Things that I’m not too comfortable to share with anyone else, I share with my “trusty composition book”. (That’s what I used to call my middle school journal our teacher made us keep!) Definitely invest in a journal this year to document the realest moments of your life.

  • Rid Yourself of Toxicity

Being toxic seemed to be a weird trend of last year. You would think with everything going on, that would be the last thing people would want to do, but nope we were sadly mistaken. This year anyone who is not benefiting you, helping you grow, or just don’t seem genuine, listen…I NEED YOU TO DROP THEM LIKE A HOT BOWL OF GRITS YOU GRABBED WITH YOUR BARE HANDS!! We will not take less than what we are worth this year. We will not lower the bar nor shall we settle. Rid of the negative energy and move onto better things, sweetie. You got this, I see you!

  • Become The Best Version of You

Last year may have led to lots of self discovery while being quarantined. You may have learned you have more pet peeves than you firstly believed or you may have finally taken up a hobby you had been procrastinating. I feel as if everyone discovered something new about themselves last year. I mean how could you not? You are talented and unique. The world needs to get more of whatever it is you have to offer it. You may not be able to become perfect but at least you can become complete. 

WE DID IT JOE, WE SURVIVED THE YEAR THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED!! Give yourself a round of applause for completing a year that wasn’t so kind to most. Congratulations on surviving and conquering. We may not have gotten the celebration we deserved, but we got an opportunity to do better. Please don’t take making it to 2021 for granted, take this year to better yourself, please. I believe in you. You got this friend!!!

Reporting Live from the Trauma of Yesteryear,


Author: Taylor Lafayette

Taylor Lafayette is a Senior Literary at Mississippi School of the Arts. She is Editor-In-Chief over Mississippi School of the Arts newspaper, RISE. She plans to pursue a study of broadcast journalism after graduation. Senior Season is upon us!!!

2 thoughts on “Moving On From “The Year That Shall Not Be Named””

  1. This was a delightful blog, Taylor! Like always, your balance of comedy and sincerity leaves me wanting to read more from you. The three things you suggest are really solid pieces of advice, so thank you for that!

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