Weird Alone

Hey y’all! Here I am, again.

I have come across a series of unfortunate events. A series of events that has led me to endure living on my own for the past couple days.  It was not nearly as fun as I thought it would be.  

First off, I never realized how much work thinking of dinner ideas was. It may seem very lazy or dumb on my part, but there is a such a struggle for me in generating meal ideas. On top of that, then I have to make it, and then on top of that, I have to put up all the leftovers, and on top of that on top of that, then the kitchen and all the dirty dishes have to be cleaned. All in all, it is a process that exhausts my little gay self and leaves me slumped on the couch watching my kdramas (Korean dramas) until I fall asleep.  

OH MY GOD, and don’t even get me started on the quietness. I never realized how even just having one person in the house changes the feeling of the sounds so much. Like, now when it’s quiet, I feel so scared and want to turn on every light on the house. Before though, I guess it may have been the same level of noise I just never had the opportunity to focus on it? I’m not really sure. I hope you get what I mean. Maybe if I was in a big city it wouldn’t be so bad because there would at least be cars, trains, airplanes, and other miscellaneous noise. Who knows? 

Another thing I’ve faced is that I just don’t like going places alone. Like, I go to school, but then after and before it’s just me and my solo adventures. The idea has potential for fun because of the freedom to do whatever want, but I still have yet to feel that way. I just get home, and don’t really know what show to watch, when to go to bed, when to eat, or just what to do in general. I am most likely just too indecisive for this very temporary lifestyle I am going through. Oh well! Everything is just kind of more boring. Like, I have no one to go off of for entertainment. It’s such a bizarre feeling really.  

I guess living alone just isn’t for me, or maybe it is, and I just haven’t found my groove yet. I feel as though possibly some could thrive in an environment like mine, however, I am not that type. Maybe you could try it sometime! Hey who knows? Might just be your way… 

But not mine.      :/ 


Author: Diego Mendez

Just a gay aquarius taking the day one iced coffee at a time. I'm not basic though, I like chocolate almond milk too >.<

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