Procrastinating Does Work

     Inspiration was yet to strike the young artist. Minutes passed. Then hours passed. Eventually, days had passed. Hands were twirled. Sentences were typed. But, none felt inspired enough. 

     So, naturally the artist did what anyone dedicated to their craft would do, she procrastinated. She made brownie cookies. (yummy btw (:) She rearranged an entire home. She even attempted to watch paint dry.  Finally a light bulb went off over her head. She would write about procrastinating, one of her favorite past times. Quickly she reached for her laptop and began to type. 

     Fingers danced across the keys elegantly to push the ideas out of her skull so she wouldn’t get distracted. (she was still distracted) Her eyes were fixed the screen like it was a binge-worthy show. After a few minutes, maybe hours of working she let out a satisfied sigh. Here’s the finished result of the poem. The following poem is the original work of Taylor Lafayette titled, “Procrastination.”

I  will  do  it

One  day 

What  is  such  a  task  that  demands  my  efforts?

One  day 

It  shall  get  done

But,  now  is  NOT  the  time

The  sun’s  too  low 

And  I’m  feeling  ill

Excuses  accumulate  in  my  lap

Not  a  bone  in  my  body  wants  to  be  put  to  motion

So  I  rest  them  now  and  pending

If  my  position  changes 

So  does  the  weather

I  will  do  it 

One  day 

But,  Today’s  not  that  day 

What  is  such  a  task  that  demands  my  efforts?

     Sometimes procrastination does work. Keep procrastinating friends, just pinkie promise to not tell your parents or teachers I said that. (it’s our little secret, u pinkie promised)


Author: Taylor Lafayette

Taylor Lafayette is a Senior Literary at Mississippi School of the Arts. She is Editor-In-Chief over Mississippi School of the Arts newspaper, RISE. She plans to pursue a study of broadcast journalism after graduation. Senior Season is upon us!!!

3 thoughts on “Procrastinating Does Work”

  1. I love this SO MUCH. I love the lines “If my position changes//So does the weather” Such beautiful work Taylor.

  2. I really enjoyed this! I definitely know the feeling of pushing off writing because you’re wait for *that* moment to hit you, so I can connect with the narrator very easily. The poem is so beautiful and honest; it has a great flow overall and your emphasis of “One day” is very powerful and works so well here!

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