Roadside-Short Film Review

This is gonna be a series on short films. I didn’t seriously get into short films until recently. I was randomly scrolling on Youtube and came across this short film about these group of friends and one of the friends died by electrocution. It’s very blunt but the sheer aspect of it was so unexpected and left me compelled to see what was going to happen next. Unfortunately, that isn’t the short film I’m reviewing today 🙂 When I look for short films to watch, I never search for anything specific. The pure enjoyment of finding one adds a level of anticipation that makes the whole experience of watching 10x better. My selection of the day is called Roadside directed by Jakob Owens and Ryan Alexander. This film was 4 minutes and 55 seconds long, contained a fair amount of dialogue and only consisted of two characters. There were no names, no specific setting, just a man and a woman on a lone road in what seems like the middle of nowhere. The simplicity of the film is what gave it its character. Many simple films don’t pace the plot and rush it completely, giving away its excitement or completely overwhelming the audience. Roadside made a good move in pacing it in a way that didn’t give too much away in the beginning of the film, giving the audience the chance to ponder over what could happen. This movie was labeled a thriller though I think it should’ve been labeled suspense simply because of the dramatic climax of the film. The climax itself was very well executed. The directors did well in fooling the audience to think one thing was going to happen but having a completely different thing happen. That aspect I enjoyed very much. Overall this film, on a scale of 1-10, was a 8.5. If the acting itself was better, I think a 10/10 would’ve sufficed. Comment what you think of the film below!!

Author: Morgan Love

Just a girl trying to find out who she is :) Follow me on this journey of MSA and hopefully this will help you just as much as it helps me. xoxo

3 thoughts on “Roadside-Short Film Review”

  1. Wow!! I watched and lemme just say: that was WILD…. completely unexpected! I can’t wait until the next one you post. Love this new series you’ve created 🙂

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