Granny’s Beads

My folks and I have finally decided to sell the old trailer my mom and I lived in after my great grandmother. We have mainly been using it for storage up until this point, but we have began to sort through all of the items in the house. I found many things of mine that I had forgotten all about, including my old friend’s obituary, and it really made me feel nostalgic.

Last week it had made a year since my great grandmother’s passing, and it hit my family pretty hard. It really hit me while I was diving through the piles of randomness amidst the house. I found this old box with a safe lock on it, and inside was a load of jewelry making stuff. There were beads galore, and some bendy wires of all sorts of colors, it was all very much like Granny, but I also found this rubber-band wonder-loom bracelet I had made her when I was younger. It broke my heart to know that she had kept it all this time.

I guess it was irony that we decided to go through everything at that particular time, but I found a lot of things that I didn’t even know were in that house despite having lived in it for a good four or five years. I found box full of hats, and this really old Pinnochio spoon. I found books that I had sworn I had lost. There were boxes of photographs and albums. It was honestly very calming going through everything, and my best friend was there, so I got to explain a lot of the history of my family to her. It all left me feeling warm inside.

That night, when I went back to my house, I made my grandma a bracelet out of the charms and beads left in her mother’s box. I used green as the base because that is her favorite color, and cross charms to remind her of granny’s faith. I think she really appreciated it. I know she misses granny a lot, and I do too. I hope that the bracelet gives my grandma a little peace. I know I got a lot a peace by making it. Looking back on my granny, after a year of her being gone, I’m not really sad anymore. I will always miss her, but I know she would be proud of me and that wherever she is,  she’s happy.