Good Luck

I guess this is my first blog post for this school year, but I’ve been going through the greatest bout of un-inspiration since the beginning of summer. Yeah, it’s not great, but I’m going to pull up my big girl pants, force myself to sit at my desk, and force myself to type. I can’t promise that it will a work of art or even something that I’ll be remotely proud of, but it will have to work for now until I can find my real inspiration.

In my bio, I said I was a dull girl. The same applies to my writing at times. Sometimes the work just never lives up to what I create in my head, or I get the feeling that it’s a huge crash and burn. But I guess I’ll have to let go of those inhibitions and just write. That’s why I’m here. I’m here to write, express myself through words, and to let go of my minor worries. In the end, my stories will be read by someone. My mom, my closest friend, a stranger, anyone who will give it a chance.

There’s a piece I’ve been working on for about two or three years now. I can never past one part of it, and that’s been daunting me. I never thought about how hard a car crash scene could be. Maybe because I’ve never been in one that I remember. Maybe when I was a baby? I’m not entirely sure really. There are parts to the story that I should probably get rid of, and that’s mostly because they aren’t really vital to the story. A bit of Mommy issues is just a bit of character development, I guess, but it’s not important to the essence of a story about a girl wanting to kill her sister over a man. So, maybe I will get rid of that part later today, and find a way to improve on that story. Develop the characters more, find a way to write the crash, and eventually finish it. The story is long overdue for an ending, so I’ll have to finish it. I’ll say it here: my goal for my junior year is to finish that story and to be content with how it turned out. Maybe one day I’ll share it in class while it’s in its infantile stage, just like I am.

I’m here to grow my skills as a writer. My end goal in life is to have at least one book published, but I don’t expect it to become a bestseller just because of how my brain works. I can be pretty pessimistic about anything I produce, but there are some stories that I will occasionally be proud of and willing to share. We will just have to see how the year turns out and see what I will produce. So with that being said, I’ll end this post with this: good luck to all the literaries here and I hope we all will meet our own goals.

Author: Morgan Crosby

The girl from D'Iberville is a really dull girl. She locks herself up in her room, content to spend her time reading and occasionally writing. She loves to read little YA romances and sometimes finds herself with books about history. The main thing motivating her writing is her overactive imagination and the strange dreams that plague her sleep. Her works also stem from what she has heard from music, conversations, or when half asleep. Crazed killers, haunted mirrors, and murderous siblings seem to be part of her stories in some way, but they always start off in her dreams. She started writing when she was in middle school, but had been telling stories since she was little.

One thought on “Good Luck”

  1. I’m with you. I’ve had to put on my big girl pants far too many times to count these past two weeks. Keep it going. You’ll get to your book eventually. Can’t wait to read it one of these days.

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