
The three of you have taken and re-attached pieces of me.

You three have been my own personal surgeons, sewing and sewing my body back together.

You three are so different and your roles in my life are too, but you’re similar in the fact that you’re important.

You aren’t just passing by, you’ve stayed. You physically, will most likely leave me one day. And that’s okay. Never feel guilty for finding new paths and new people. That’s life. I haven’t told any of you in depth about your meaning, because of that reason. I will not crumble in your absence, because you have already repaired me.

You taught me that being myself is okay. That I should apologetically be me and only me. That I’m imperfect as I come, but that’s what people should love. You have stood up for me, because I could never do that for myself. You tell me when I need to stop giving myself out to people because I can only run myself so thin. I think coffee will forever run in my veins because of you.

You have given me stability. I can be my pure self around you because you’re the same way. We can laugh until our stomachs hurt, but you still turn around and give the advice and truth no one else is willing to give. The truth can hurt, but you make sure I know that you’ll be there to back me up. I don’t thank you enough for that.

When I tell you this, I know you think I’m joking. I try to refrain from saying it because I don’t want you to feel bad about leaving. Leaving is inevitable and I get that. I understand that. People and life change so often, and I know that I won’t forever be apart of that. For now though, you’re a comfort. A reminder that someone saw me for the mess that I was, and still am, and liked it. Decided to stay with it. Again, don’t let me scare you off with this! It’s okay! I have come to terms with that I won’t forever have this. And that’s perfectly okay. I’ll have to cross that bridge when I get there. Just know that you’ve really helped me no matter if you think you have or not. When you question me about why I choose to “put up with you” it’s because you have done the same for me.

I like the idea that three is a magic number. You three have created a little magic to keep with me.

Author: Emerson Hultman

Not gonna lie, there isn't too much to know about me. The way to my heart is Diet Coke and 2008 bops, I love writing and photography, and I will stop every time I see a dog on the street. I would say that's about it?