
butterfly kisses and hard-won breaths,

torn clothes and filthy skin,

the weight of the world on your shoulders,

cold eyes and forked tongues-

all aching to land like whips on your self-worth.

cool night breezes that sweep away the  sweat of today’s mask.

broken promises that lead to a broken home,

that leads to walls that refuse to come down.

even to silken touches,

your body is coarse from weathered hands.

aching feet tired of carrying the burden of you –

and your mind.

tear holes in yourself to let the light in.

stand alone in the dark,

realize you’re not alone.


Author: Charlotte Drane

I want to go to college to study journalism and travel the world.

4 thoughts on “SummerTimeBlues”

  1. The idea of a late summer night and butterfly wings is what carried my train of thought through this piece. Very beautifully written, and melancholic, but hopeful, in a sense.

  2. I really enjoy the resilience of that last line. This poem really applies to the senses. Really nice work!

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