My Deal With Blogs

Here’s the thing: I really enjoy writing blogs. I like that the whole class and the seniors can see them if they want to. The point of the blogs is to be able to share what you’ve experienced and tell your opinion on matters.

This is my whole problem with having to have a certain amount done a week. I can watch the news all day long and still not feel like I have something to comment on or tell my opinion about. I’ve been alive for seventeen years but that doesn’t mean I have a plethora of stories that I think are blog worthy. I like to put a lot of effort into the topics of my blogs and even more effort into the research I do for the blogs I do when I comment on today’s events.

Sometimes, I feel like I’m stuck on campus, unable to hear and see new things or talk to new people. I can’t hear their stories or opinions, which is where I get a lot of my story prompts from. It makes it more difficult to get the full extent of a story or concept, when there’s no one to compare with.

Also, I don’t like constantly writing about sad and dark things that make you stare at the wall or forget how to come up with a sentence. I like writing about happy things that make people smile or at least not feel so down about life. And with my usual writing it’s usually the first of the two that ends up happening inadvertently, which is not my intention, so it takes extra time to convey my stories/poems/opinions in upbeat terms.

In saying that, it kind of makes it look like I’m coming up with excuses, which I might subconsciously be doing, but not on purpose. I tend to take a lot of pride in my writing, despite what I say, and I want it to be the best it can be. I want people to really think and remember what I’ve given them. It sounds like I’m being a attention seeker or that my writing’s worth depends on the accounts of others but that is also not what I’m trying to say. It’s just, if someone is going to take the time to read something of mine, I want it to be worth it.

This blog is sort of all over the place, but I feel like it tells what I’m trying to get across. Hopefully.


Author: Charlotte Drane

I want to go to college to study journalism and travel the world.

2 thoughts on “My Deal With Blogs”

  1. Hey! I agree completely with this post- sometimes it is hard to say what you want to say in a blog post like you mentioned; I think each of us struggle with that. This was stating the facts you hold to be true, nice piece.

  2. Yeah!! I agree! I like how considerate you were about blogs and reasons why you do and don’t like them. I get what you’re putting out! Great job!

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