Kid Friendly Bumper Cars


I collect dirt on Tuesdays

to annoy my parents on Thursdays

As I ram it down my throat twenty minutes before a family dinner

“Too full to eat another bite”

And then pat my stomach for good measure

No one questions the dust beneath my fingernails

Or the sand that coats my teeth

“A new fad you’re too old to understand”


My finger wiggles its way between my lips as my teeth rip through two months of hard work

spitting the remainder on the floor

“So can I leave”

They don’t stop the forks from hitting the plate with a loud crash

or the smacking, spit flying across the table to land on my unwanted chicken

I stir it with my mash potatoes, pretend its a new dressing

Its better than gravy I can assure you

My mind seems to say,

before I shovel a spoon full into my mouth

I let it roll around in in my gums  before swallowing

it goes down in pieces, no smooth transition


A fork is pointed towards me, saliva coats its tip

I lick my lips

“Yeah, it took me all day to finish, I knew you would like it”


My leg jumps at the sound hitting the table with every audible chew

chattered tooth, mingling with metal

I can hear an earthquake rumbling up my throat

But I swallow it down, like my morning vitamins

less healthy I know

But what else could I do to soothe my nerves

exploding like fireworks underneath my skin

I drink more water

Someone made a joke about my past mistakes


I pop my  neck and feel it sprain

Not before I laugh too

it’s bitter to my ears, too loud, too much
So, I stop the laughter with a piece of casserole

that seems to drip down my chin messier then I intended


My sister finishes, silverware banging on an empty plate with purpose, silence,

an announcement: “I’m finished first”

No, words just subtle acknowledgment

The chair imprinting holes in the floor screeches back

Another does the same and another

I count below my breathe four in total

There is no noise,

the silence becomes friendly

It sits with me for the remainder of my meal

Its funny I know choked by noise

to be caressed by the quiet

but even I couldn’t resist the small giggle escaping my clenched teeth


Just a whisper above a breathe,

but sweet in this empty  space














Author: Timera Gaston

I write because I can. It's my own special voice and it couldn't be any better than this. This is my growth. My history. My pride. A journey lives within the each and every word. A journey that i want to continue to share.

3 thoughts on “Kid Friendly Bumper Cars”

  1. Dude, I love this. Like, I don’t if I fully understand but I liked how it made me feel when I read it. The narrator seems concerned about the other people at the table, but also detached and maybe a little crazy? But then again, maybe not crazy but just affected and it’s the other people who have driven them to this. Because the others were laughing the most. I don’t know, but I like this a lot. Great piece!

  2. Is dirt a metaphor? I was just wondering because I really enjoyed this piece and I wanted to know if I was taking it too literally. The use of things that are sort of gross or nasty, with use of the words soft, sweet, etc., that was a nice variation. Great post.

  3. This is so weird in the most beautiful way, and it’s specific and gritty and absolutely fantastic. I love it.

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