Friday Night Lights

Coming to MSA has been one of the weirdest experiences of my life. It’s not just the classes or the people or even the decent food that makes it odd- it’s the fact that I, without a doubt, am one of the most claustrophobic people in the universe. Now, I don’t mean in the sense of I can’t be in enclosed spaces or crammed in a large crowd but in the way that I can only stay in Wesson for two days, max, before my blood feels like it’s boiling and my fingers itch to get behind the wheel and just go. 

Seeing the same thing day after day and being stuck in the same routine tends to wear on my nerves faster than I care to admit, so being here has been strange. I have only felt the slightest itch in my hands and my blood has only attempted to simmer on less than a few occasions. You might could add this strange occurrence to the reality that I’ve only dormed here for two weeks instead of the nearly six that everyone else has had to deal with, but still. Being in a place for more than a few hours tends to send my skin into jitters.

The only place that I can’t seem to spend enough time in is my own home. And, in no way, do I want to even attempt to send the idea that I feel as if MSA is my home. And writing that sounds sort of harsh but that’s a discussion for another post. I just find it odd that, though I seem to stir here, its not the same  as if I was stuck in Wesson. Not Wesson school, but Wesson as a town- a whole place. Even though I can drive from corner to corner and feel better, it’s not the same thing as heading out and down the highway towards Brookhaven or Jackson.

My point is: for me, this whole experience as an MSA student has been pretty odd. Maybe the fact that I have my best friend here helps, or that I have made plenty of friends in order to occupy my time so I don’t realize that I am utterly trapped here has had something to do with it. Either way, I’m glad that I don’t have to constantly feel the pull of some far-off adventure while I’m here. The only exception, of course, being Fridays.

Author: Charlotte Drane

I want to go to college to study journalism and travel the world.

3 thoughts on “Friday Night Lights”

  1. I know what you mean. Whenever I’m at home for too long, I feel like I need to get out and do something, but here I feel much more content with myself where I am regardless of what I’m doing.

  2. Alright boy, since we come from the same town I can relate, except on the part about Wesson still being my home. I think everyone tends to feel trapped at this place at some point or another because it is in reality a school, a little miniature hell on the map. But still, you’ve got to admit the adventure here is exciting, and the oddness is surprisingly refreshing. Good post!

  3. msa truly is a wild ride, but you can’t help but fall just a little bit in love with it. i really like how you talk about home home vs msa home, but i can’t say i completely relate to it. msa is a new home for me that i love all the same, but i still enjoyed this piece.

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