The Best Moment in a Movie

Without the plot twists and the surprising turns, a movie would not be considered to be one of good taste to many, myself included.  We rely on movies and TV shows in order to give us some sort of entertainment after a day of our own seemingly uneventful and “boring” lives.  Compared to those people on the screen, we feel as though we are no more than bland, over-emotional beings.

Movies are a thing of wonder, of imagination.  When we are bored with our lives or want to avoid doing homework, we sometimes watch movies.  And what is the best part of a movie?  Well, personally, I believe that the best part of a movie is when it makes you cry, or it makes you rethink something you’ve gone through or choices you’ve made throughout your life.  It makes you think, or feel, or consider extremely intensely.

The part of the movie that makes you cry is one of the best because a good piece makes you cry.  A good piece makes your emotions surge all around you and into the sky above you.  It makes an impact greater than you could ever imagine that a movie would have on you or how you think, or how you feel.  Without that, the movie itself is bland. Without the powerful emotion it makes you feel, it becomes nothing more than a couple of people being recorded living their everyday lives.  Without emotion, a movie is not a movie.

Now, the part of it that makes you rethink any decision, or life choices you’ve ever made is my personal favorite.  When a movie causes you to sit down and wonder “Was I right to do this?” or “How many people were affected by what I did?  And was that something an action that seemed insignificant to me but had a life-changing impact on someone else?”  That, is what I have come to enjoy.  We let such simple things determine how we react or what we choose to do when something drastic happens, and something just as simple – say, a movie, for example – can cause us to question those choices we made.  We think we are the only ones that can change our lives, when really, everything but ourselves influences every little decision we make.

Something that does not even pertain to our own lives makes us wonder if we were in the right.

Author: Taylor Downs

Downs is the name, being mistaken for a visual artist's the game. Honestly, I don't see the point in this whole bio-thing. But it's a requirement so here we are, I guess. I'm not interesting; I read, write, listen to music and watch Netflix a lot. I absolutely cannot stand the words "y'all" and "ain't." And that's about it, really.

One thought on “The Best Moment in a Movie”

  1. I love the theme of ‘if a movie is without emotion, it is not a movie’, speaking of powerful, thought-provoking scenes and tear-bringing ones. This especially because it is such a strong opinion, and it’s your personal thought, which makes it unique. I agree with that the best movies are often the ones that make us sit there and think in the dark theater or the car coming home, long after the credits have ended. I also agree that it’s nice in a way to have deep thoughts to think, even if provoked by a simple movie or short film. Great job:)

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