Man, Do I Like Robots!

(I had a burst of inspiration to write a short sci-fi story about robots, so I decided to turn it into my blog posts for the time being. I ADORED writing this so I really hope you enjoy this as much as I did. 🙂 It hasn’t really been revised or proofread, so don’t make your first judgements so harsh!)

The walls of the facility creaked and groaned, as the tiles of the ceiling let go of the hands of their surrounding brothers and fell into the toxic water below. The bubbling sludge grabbed hold of their fiberglass bodies and dragged them into the burning swamp, turning its white glass fiber strands into drowned, black ash. The two HopperWare licensed robots stood and watched as the vomit colored water devoured its meal of company acoustical ceiling tiles in giant swallows. 

“Ah,” Uttered a tall, slender robot with bright yellow plating, “it looks like this place is in much poorer condition than I thought.”

“Really, Chisa?”  A shorter and more buff red robot said sarcastically. “For someone who was apparently designed for analysis and navigation, it really seems like you’re lacking in that field.”

“Oh, and what were you designed for again, lifting things?” Chisa snapped back, her rounded head spinning towards the two orange eyes of the labor robot. 

The two watched as the facility continued to eat itself up, and the pale green overgrowth on the walls that almost painted the entire room shook from the wind coming in from the holes in the ceiling. 

“Wait!” yelled a robotic voice from behind. As the clanking metal footsteps grew closer, a medium sized blue robot caught up to the other two and instantly rested its hands on its knees. “Sorry, I got lost.”

The larger red robot let out an automated chuckle and gave a shove towards Chisa. “Looks like someone wasn’t doing their job very well, huh Chis?” The navigation robot narrowed her large, yellow eye at this. 

“I’m sorry, just let my fans catch up for a bit.” The blue robot panted, his metal suit design opening and closing vents on his sides. “I wasn’t built for this.”

“How about you do your job, then, 15?” The yellow robot looked at the construction robot, “Since you’re just oh so good at it.”

15 let out a machine-like grumble and opened up the plates to his side to reveal two forklift arms. “Get on, David.” 

The blue robot turned his attention to 15, who stood looking pretty silly with his two regular arms protruding from the same sides the forklift ones were. With a little hesitation, David lowered himself onto 15, who lifted him up and walked closer to the sewage pit.

“This is humiliating.” Muttered David, his glasses-like eyes turning downwards.

The three HopperWare robots, after traveling through every floor, room, and tunnel of the HopperWare testing facility, finally stood facing one of the last chambers.

The yellow one, marked with black text around her neck spelling out “CH154” stood cross-armed at the gap. Her main body was made of grey metal, but her more vital parts were covered by bright yellow plating. Her hands weren’t as intricate as the other two’s, as she only sported two fingers and a thumb on each wrist; just enough to grab and open things, but not much else. She was tall, slender, and feminine, and it seemed as if the designers got a little too excited while designing her hips. She had one yellow eye installed in her dome-like head, which allowed her to rotate her vision 360°, but nowadays she used that function more for dramatic effect.

The red one, recognizable by his short stature and hefty body, hoisted up the blue striped robot with its forklift arms. His wide structure and multi-tool filled hands were a rusty red along with the rest of him, excluding the reflective orange stripes running down his torso and back. There were several pieces of graffiti on his body, and the most notable were a large, stylistic yellow 15 spray-painted on his back and a phallic symbol resting on his shoulder in permanent marker. His head was angled and sporting two orange LED eyes, along with a smile and a tongue sticking out in black and red spray-paint. 

In his arms was the first model of the tax-accountant robot David, who’s hard metal shell resembled that of a blue suit. He had semi-human features and anatomy, with bright lights inside his glasses serving as his eyes, which looked much like a smart anime character’s would when they’d push up their spectacles with a smirk on their face. Besides that, his face was blank other than “design pending” graphic on his cheek. He was average height, lightweight, lanky, and not built for long walks or journeys, as his main challenges would be doing math and fetching things from around an office. 

The three continued to stand at the edge, before 15 let out a question that had been running through his circuits for a while now. 

“Hey, math boy.” He said as he looked down in his arms.

“Yes?” David responded

“What’s the chance I’d be able to throw a 100 pound object across this pit?” 15 asked.

“Well, it depends on the aerodynamics of the object and the way it’s shaped, but with your strength and specialty it shouldn’t be that difficult.” David replied.

“I see…” 15 started, “here we go then!”

“Wait, WHAT?” exclaimed the lanky blue robot, but his question would not be answered. Before he knew it, he was lightly tossed into the air by 15’s forklift arms before being caught by his main ones.

“No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO—” David yelled as he was hoisted into the air and then launched across, and his screams grew distant before a CLANG reverberated off the walls. A variety of expletives echoed through the room before “I’M FINE! THANKS FOR THE WARNING!” was belted from the other side.

Author: Lauren Stamps

Just a writer who really likes fictional robots :)