Does anybody else ever just want to retire from sight? Like, just for a moment, disappear or vanish, maybe pause time?
I think it is a normal way to react to stress. It’s a normal way to react to pressure. I think its normal to want to escape from a hard situation.
But there are also good ‘hard situations’. Like all these classes at MSA. For a lot of people, its probably a new challenge, a welcomed change from the standard boring and slow school work we would be getting at our old schools. Well, it’s like that for me anyway.
I know that I had been complaining to my mother how bored I would get in class, just filling in the blanks, feeling as if I hadn’t learned a thing. Now all of a sudden – BAM! – I’m at a school for the Arts!! The one thing that most regular schools never seem to deem important! And during the drive up here when coming for my auditions, my mom had reminded me of all the times I had wished for a challenge. She told me “You asked for a challenge, now you’re bout to get one!”
My point is, I took a risk, a very nerve-racking, stressful, and very much straight-out-of-the-blue risk. And yes, I’m getting the challenge I asked for. Yes, I’m staying up way past an appropriate bedtime. And yes, I have absolutely no time management skills and end up doing all my projects the day before they’re due (a bad habit I know, but I’m working on it). But I’m going to say “IT IS WORTH IT!!!!!!!!”
And as I sit here – in my super-duper penguin-freezing room, snuggled under my blankets because the thermostat won’t make it warmer – writing this the night before it’s due, I realize that I have met so many new, exciting, and bizarre people, tried cafeteria food on a daily bases, and have teachers who go so far to make sure we, as students of MSA, have every opportunity available to go farther than we could ever dream.