goals for the future

Lately, I have been asked where I see myself in a couple years by many people. You see, there’s something about goals that keeps us hoping for the better things in life. Sure, we know not everything will go as planned, but it’s still nice to think about. Sure, your situation may be unpleasant right now, but what will it look like years from now? That’s where the hope comes in. So I would love to share where I would like to be in the future. I would say I have a ton of plans for my future, so sit back, grab some tea/ coffee and join me on my dreamy path of hopes.

First, I will be going to college somewhere either in New York(ideal) or in Iowa. The University of Iowa has great opportunities for me as a writer, but so does some place like the New School where I could get an amazing internship, and more connections. I want to work in publishing, while also writing along the way. It would also be nice to dual major in psychology or something of the sort. Shoot, I’d even be down to minoring in a language(but I think I’ll do that in my free time). I look forward to my college endeavors.

After I graduate from college I would like to be working in the publishing industry ideally in New York. Although, I’m having an internal conflict. Do I want somewhere more earthy, maybe the outskirts of New York? That could be an option. Either way, I’ll need plenty of money. So I also considered staying in Mississippi, but I think that it’s best that I go ahead and head out.

After I get settled in my later years, it would be nice to get a corgi, and open up my own botanical/ plant shop. I would serve drinks such as coffee and tea to those checking out my plants in a different area, and my corgi would roam free. I would write in my spare time, probably about my plant findings and the human mind.

I mean, my main goal in life is to help other people. I really want to make a difference. I want to bring people together. I believe in the power of community, love, respect, and many other wonderful things.

So I encourage you to think of your future endeavors. They don’t have to be some magical, pretty, put together idea, but rather what you really feel like doing. Feel free to share in the comments!

-Maple <3

Author: Maple

Maple(hold the syrup) is a wild creature from beyond. He likes connecting with others, and having philosophical conversations, while also laughing a ton. He adores nature in general, and cannot breathe if he's not in it once a day. He dreams of owning a plant shop with a corgi, and a brewery on the side. He also wants to major in psychology, and, of course, write.

2 thoughts on “goals for the future”

  1. Did you steal the corgi and plant shop dream from me? Oh, wait, mine was a coffee shop—just kidding. You have nice aspirations, so I am interested to see your amazing endeavors and accomplishments. And I love your overall goal to help people; I can definitely see how you live this now. I agree that, although most dreams are just that—dreams, it is nice to imagine the future. And goals turn dreams into reality. I probably need to think about the future more. But 100% unrealistic dream #3000: I want to be a synth player in a band, an author with at least ten readers, and someone who has a positive impact. And I want to see 100 pink sunrises/sunsets.

  2. this post was so sweet 🤧, and it inspired me to think about my future goals. i mean, i have goals for the day, week, month, and year, but i’ve never thought about my future goals. i’ll have to try it- thanks for sharing!

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