Poly and Pending

I’m polyamorous. Usually, when I say this the first thing that people think of is that sister wives show. Me with fifteen other women fighting over one guy, demanding his attention. Well yeah, that is one part of it, but its called polygamy. Fun fact the female version of that, when a woman gets multiple husbands is called polyandry. Now being polyamorous is about finding a person or two or three and giving them all a whole of you to love and care for. Saying that I can love more than one person gives me odd looks and the familiar word cheater seems to be burned into my mind, but this isn’t the case. Every one partner I have knows about one another there is no secret in that. The point is to be open and to be truthful which many people don’t understand. Apparently, I’m chopping up my love and giving out pieces, each time getting smaller the more people I gain. But in actuality, it’s like my heart is duplicating itself and everyone gets a whole. Yes, there will be people who can do other things that someone else might not and may make me feel stronger emotions for a certain thing than the other, but that does not mean I love them more. Just because one of my partners can ride a bike and my other one cant doesn’t give me excuse to love the other more. One skill or thing won’t change my emotional connection with the other person. But, overall, I want the type of polygamous relationship that means that the people I’m with also have each other. To explain this in a non-confusing way, I’ll leave an article down below explaining all of this in detail. Long story short I want my partners to love each other and also to love me, a three-way relationship that is fully equal, no favorites or secrets just a bond between three or more people, preferably for me a male and a female. I’m not saying that to say that I would only go for a male and a female, or even get what I want at all. But I just believe that it would make me a happier person to go out of my comfort zone and start something new. Now, ill address a question I get asked a lot, do I get jealous? The answer is yes, I get jealous, everyone does it’s a normal human emotion. But, if you may believe that I will get jealous over my partners being with each other then no I won’t. If anything I would enjoy seeing that, if they are happy why would I hate that, if I’m dating both of them then I know what they feel for me there is no reason for me or for either of them to interject. Another question I get asked often is, how I knew I was polygamous. To be honest, I think I always knew, I never really understood why we couldn’t love multiple people when I was younger if one person made you happy why couldn’t more do the same? I get asked this question a lot and I get the following answers, either it was called cheating, being a whore, or being easy? But then again if everyone is in on it, is it really that bad? I don’t think so but what do I know, it’s not like it my life or anything.


So You Want to Try Polyamory

Author: Timera Gaston

I write because I can. It's my own special voice and it couldn't be any better than this. This is my growth. My history. My pride. A journey lives within the each and every word. A journey that i want to continue to share.

3 thoughts on “Poly and Pending”

  1. To each his own!! Who’s to say you can’t lead multiple relationships and wrap into one love life. Express yourself and your love in whichever way you see fit. Continue being the you that you are and be true to yourself and your way of life.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this because you have a very unique way of describing things, and I admire it. Like how you explain it by saying your heart “duplicates itself” and all of your partners get one for themselves. I really enjoy this piece.

  3. I like how you not only addressed your opinion on this type of relationship, but you also defended it and explained it into detail so that more people could understand polyamorous relationships. It was very informative, and I learned a lot from this post, especially from the link, (thanks for including that.) Great post.

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