What I Notice

The things I’ve noticed in my life. sometimes when I breathe while sleeping my noes whistles, and wakes me up at night.  When I zone out I’m not really daydreaming rather listening to the air conditioning unit, I do this often. When I get dressed in the morning I don’t process anything that I do into I actually leave the room. I forget thing faster than I probably remember them. My head twitches to the side when I feel proud of myself. I pop my neck in every one of my classes. The floorboard of the literary room has a lot of scuffs marks on the floor. The ceiling is also floorboard but just painted white. I really like it at this school despite the fact that I thought I would be miserable. I stutter whenever Sam walks toward me. My stuttering problem, in general, is getting worse but also at the same time more maintainable.The Ceiling lights of JI look like UFO’s or upside down pyramids with circle bases. I like my friends here much more than I like the ones back home. I haven’t had a brain freeze in like a year. writing has become a natural coping mechanism for me. The floor of my Spanish classroom is a giant square with black tiles outlining outer cashmere tiles that remind me of sand against volcanic dust. My computer keyboard has ants living in them and when I type they crawl out. Everyone has someone, even if they themselves believe they are alone there will always be another human being that has their back whether they know it or not. I like the steady strum of typing that always fills the literary room when we blog. I have begun to bite my nails less. When it’s time for me to go home a feeling of dread sets over my body which is quickly replaced by comfort when I’m actually at my house. The world is starting to become a more accepting place. My poetry is starting to get better in my eyes. I’m getting used to speaking in front of others despite my outer fear. I cant control my facial expression. I’m allergic to citrus. Every single person has morals but its just a matter of applying them thatch the real problem. When I ramble and just type out random things a story usually comes after. I never know how to end a story or a blog.

Author: Timera Gaston

I write because I can. It's my own special voice and it couldn't be any better than this. This is my growth. My history. My pride. A journey lives within the each and every word. A journey that i want to continue to share.

3 thoughts on “What I Notice”

  1. I like how you kind of link everything together, whether that was completely by accident or intentional and how you would say something seemingly thoughtful and then something that is purely observational. Like, how you said that everyone has someone watching their back and how you like the sound of typing in the classroom (which I, personally, really enjoy, as well). Really good piece.

  2. I completely relate to your post, Timera. I think a lot of us do. I mean, we came to this school to be better, stronger individuals and try to figure out who we are, and I think you’re doing a really great job of that, especially when you mentioned your public speaking skills. Good post!

  3. I love how all of these mostly unrelated thoughts are all still innately related in the sense that they’re your organic thought. They poured out of you in whatever order they saw fit, and you let them. I’ve started catching myself noticing the way my hands crawl across my keyboard a little more attentively than I did before. This was a really nice post to notice a little more carefully

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