Favorite Quotes

Hey guys so this week’s blog is some of my favorite quotes about life, happiness, and writing. I’m trying to include more visuals in my blogs so that they can be a little more interesting. I hope guys enjoy it, see you next week! 

  1. Our time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. – Steve Jobs 

I love this quote, because I’ve seen so many people fall out of touch with themselves, their own personality and their own desires trying to be someone else. They don’t even necessarily have to want to be someone else, but they want what another person has, or they want to act like someone, or look like someone else is still equivalent to that. Not loving what you have and choosing to enhance that will lead you astray to where you will be looking for attention or fulfillment elsewhere. 


2) “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”. -Mahatma Gandhi 

I love this quote, because so many people live life without ever fully publicly expressing themselves and how they feel for fear of being judged. You can honestly and truly tell when a person is happy. You don’t have to know everything about them, and you most definitely don’t have to be friends or what not. If someone is comfortable and confident in their own skin. If you do something rude and it doesn’t evoke a reaction from them that makes them act out of character, or if they can easily remove things or people from their life that cause them stress or trouble, you know that person is happy. Everything about that person’s life will align simply because they are care free and happy. 


3) “Writing to me is simply thinking through my fingers.” -Isaac Asimov 

There’s something about his quote that just defrosts my heart. This describes how I think about writing perfectly. People who aren’t writers or fans of writing can’t even begin to understand how important writing is in my life. People see writing as aa chore, or a job, because they refer it to similarly to English. Yes, there are some similar concepts, but they are nothing alike. Writing is telling a story, not like a fable or a tall tale, or some fake magic world. You can do that in writing, but I prefer more of telling my story. All my writing is personal and 95% true. If I absolutely have to write something fictional there is still some form of truth in it or there is some remnant of my life in there. 


Author: Aleria Holmes

Aleria Holmes I'm a Senior Literary Student at MSA with a passion for writing much stronger than a hobby. After high school I plan to attend Columbia University to major in Creative Writing (screenwriting specifically) and minor in Psychology. I love what I do and I hope to make a career out of it someday.

3 thoughts on “Favorite Quotes”

  1. i<3 steve jobs. there's something very homey about him and what he put out there. love that quote.

  2. These are very uplifting quotes and the last one really hit home for me, so I really liked reading this:)

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