I think I spend a good amount of time on YouTube watching commentary videos. Seeing how big and diverse the commentary scene has gotten I think its about time to pay tribute to some of my favorite commentary YouTubers. They really helped shaped my views on a lot of things while also providing different or conflicting views on controversial topics.
Kurtis Conner
I’m pretty sure every one is familiar with this creator. He started off on vine and then progressed to YouTube (as did every other vine creator), and since had gained a massive following. I really enjoy watching his reviews of terrible movies and most recently, his commentary on toxic masculinity shown in media, more specifically, Tiktok. Through somewhat terrible puns and the occasional highly saturated memes he has managed to really spread the message of just being a good person.
Chad Chad
Chad Chad deserves more credit. Their content is sort of similar to Kurtis’ in the sense of very weird/funny memes and the occasional pun. I don’t think I’ve ever watched their videos and haven’t laughed. Their content is really centered around women’s issues. They call out many harmful ideas, usually generated from men, and sort of dismantles them through said jokes.
This creator is so aesthetically pleasing. Their set up and voice just scratches the best parts of my brain. The topics they choose to discuss are always diverse, but mostly centered around their blackness. But I love that it isn’t always the focus of their videos and they tend to connect those things at the right time. Their videos are very lengthy, but its all worth it in the end.
I wouldn’t really consider this commentary, its more like a discussion. However I do center a lot of my values around some of these discussions. I really love this channel, I love that we get to hear from two opposing sides and really get to the heart of conflicting views, Middle Ground. The content is very diverse they have videos like this one where two opposing sides come together to discuss why they’re right. Or they have videos where it is a spectrum and people of the same side or common thinking talk about the extent to their values. Then they have harmless videos where they take on dating shows. It is really a huge range when it comes to this channel and I really encourage you to check it out.
i love this post! commentary is my favorite thing to watch on youtube, and i adore kurtis conner and jubilee! your taste is pristine <3
Commentary videos are literally the best. It’s so fun to hear opinions (and jokes) about things.
Jubilee’s Middle Ground is one of the most interesting yet, extremely frustrating content produced today. I loved this list, and I’m gonna check them all out asap! Great job!