McCafferty Forever

I apologize in advance for another band recommendation post. I did this one last minute and I’ve been wanting to do this band for a while. 


McCafferty, founded by Nick Hartkop, is another Indie-Rock band that I’m obsessed with. They are somewhat notorious for breaking up though. Through my research I could never find a specific number, but I know for sure that they’ve gone through over two or three breakups, maybe more. 

With Nick Hartkop as the Guitarist. And fun fact most of their early songs were don’t by Nick with an acoustic guitar. I’m pretty sure he’s using more electric now, but he was really good on the acoustic. 

And I think it’s cool that his best friend and wife Emily Hartkop is on the bass. Throughout all the breakups of this band the two people who never left were Nick and Emily. 

“Beachboy” Released on Jan 1st, 2014

McCafferty’s album Beachboy has to be one of my favorite albums they’ve released. Nick is the vocalist in every one of their songs, to the best of my knowledge, And I love his lyrics. Their style seems unique and new. But over all their albums the same voice with the same emotions stays the same. Which I really enjoy. Nick’s voice is perfect for what he’s singing. While researching this band, I could never find proof of who writes the lyrics of the band, but I’m more than sure its Nick.  

Beachboy has over 10 songs, lasting exactly 29m and 9s. I can’t stress how meaningful the lyrics for his songs are. They all seem like personal stories, and I think that’s what makes them so extraordinary. In my opinion, the best types of song come from personal experiences of Growing up, grief and friends.
And that’s exactly what McCafferty sings about in almost every song. 

“Sum of All Fears” released on June 24th, 2018

This album is just, amazing. There are about 33 songs on this playlist lasting over, 1 hour 36 minutes. And the lyrics for this album are really good. But this isn’t the album that hits the hardest. I’ll get to that in a moment. I forgot to mention but that little number under the album, the (26/33) that’s the rank, The way I rank albums is the total of liked songs over the total amount of songs.

Now lets get to the most meaningful album they’ve released. 
With a total of just 8 songs. stretching just under 30 minutes. 
One of their recent albums. 

“McCafferty Forever” released on Aug 7th, 2023

This album is one of the most emotional in my opinion. 
There’s a song that really hits home with me which is “Yours, Mine, Hours.”
Personally, one of my favorite songs. (I have a long list of Favorite things)
If you plan on checking out the song the part at the time stamp 2:00-3:00 is something that hits hard, I don’t have the words to explain it the best I can, but it’s just some amazing lyrics. 
But this album is really amazing, if you were to check out any of these albums, I’d recommend this one.  (or the beachboy album)

Overall McCafferty is a homerun. One of my top three bands, and I’d Highly Recommend them. And I apologize for doing another band post. I’ll try and think of something different for next week’s post. Keep it new. 
Or not because I’ve been wanting to do a post about another band I’ve had in mind, called “Violent Dawn”. They’re a small band with less than 100 listeners a month. So, I wanted to give them what little publicity I can give them.



2 thoughts on “McCafferty Forever”

  1. Your taste in music never fails to be great. While I love McCafferty I am never going back, I don’t think I can emotionally handle it. Good job

  2. I have actually heard of this band before, and the album “Beastboy”, my favorite song from it has to be “Bottom”. I enjoy your taste in music 🙂

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