It’s about Books


                                                Hello lovelies!  

Here’s the thing, Halloween is coming up, and usually around this month I talk about things that are creepy and scary, and downright soul screeching.  That’s what I would start writing about; but since my Blog is mostly based on that theme, I wanted to try something different.                                                                            I dug so deep into my memories to find anything that I watched that didn’t include Drama, Horror, Thriller and wasn’t an animation.   Couldn’t find anything.   Seriously, I assure you I watch happy stuff, but my happy stuff is reruns of SpongeBob and Disney movies, and anything that is funny, is mystery and comedy.  It was really tough, so I just decided to stick to what I love writing about because why wouldn’t I?                                                                                              This post is ranking books that I’ve read during October (I remember the exact month because I went on a Chiller Marathon during October my 7th grade year with a friend.   It was a happy time) and have been my favorites.  

                 # 7Ghost Of Graylock  


                          When I very first started reading this book, I thought I                                                         knew what was going to happen.  It started off a little                                                        slow; but soon the characters went into Psychiatric                                                            Hospital, I was set.   The plot twist was golden.  I                                                                   enjoyed reading this surrounded by the warm heater                                                          in the darkness of my home as I listened to the rain                                                            trickling on my window.    I really appreciated the                                                               complexity of it.  It’s also a great starter for pre-teens                                                        who wants to read more advanced books. 



  6 Asylum

   This book right here put me through something.   It’s the first book out of a   series and it’s a phycological thriller.   If you don’t mind your brain while you’re dreaming, you will enjoy this book.   I read all four books of the series, but I regretted it afterwards.   The one will do, doesn’t matter if you don’t find certain answers.  Trust me.  



             # 5 WELCOME To The Dark House


I never knew how scary mirrors could be until I read this book.   It was really fascinating as the readers get to see everyone’s back stories.  Also, this book approaches the topics of Phobias and how it impacts everyone’s daily lives.  This book was actually the book that made me write about fears as I researched more about it. 


 # 4 Going Dark

 I adored this book.   It was a fast pace read, finished it in 3 days.  It’s a chef kiss because the multi-views were really well written in my opinion. I also loved the social media format of the book.  It was also a great way to show rounded character development. I loved this book so much. I didn’t rate the others, but it was an 8/10.  


                         # 3 Most Wanted

        This book just brought back a ton of nostalgia from the times I had to read it to gain A.R. points.  The book is still one of my favorite R.L. Stines’s and it’s a delight to read.   Even while the book makes your finger ache and your skin crawl.  I loved the experience of reading it for the first time. 




     # 2   How to Survive Your Murder 

 When it comes to this book; I’m just speechless.  The whole time of the book is during Halloween.    The characters are relatable and funny; and it uses Pop Culture a lot but not excessively.  It has all the components, it has true crime, comedy, slasher, Thriller, and suspense.  It’s a second chance book and the bonus for me is that it’s written like a great R.L. Stine Fear Street book.  It’s just those types of books that you can read like you’re watching a movie.  Just fantastic.                          



                                               # 1 Killer’s Kiss  

This book here took me on a road trip.  I was in for so many twists and turns.  I never knew what to expect.  It’s number 1 on my lists because it was a book that also had a lot of romance which I don’t normally read, and it mixed well with the Mystery part.  So, for that it gets a number one spot.  Highly recommend it if you’re in a reading slump and want something shocking to read.  It’s great. 


Thanks for reading about my October books.   Good day. 

Author: Tiara Jones

This is Tiara J and I love reading and writing Mystery and Thriller. "Blood Will Tell" is one of my favorite novels and "Law and Order" is my go to binge. I’m not dark, I just write for the shy little girl years behind me while also obsessing over R.L Stine. Favorite Quote: “ I always wanted to be funny. I never really planned to be scary.” -R.L. Stine

4 thoughts on “It’s about Books”

  1. I had a huge scary story phase in like sixth grade, but it was just a compilation of a bunch of scary stories. But since I haven’t really ventured into horror, so I think it’s a good month to get back into, especially the thrillers. I also like what you said about one of the books leaning into pop culture but not too much because that can really deter me from reading some books. lol

  2. I think that there is something that is really important that people make sure to take the time to look back on pieces of literature like this. Even though some of them wouldn’t be considered well written by our standards today I think that the nostalgia that flows through each of us as a result of these stories is what makes them so unique.

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