More than a Writer

Hi, it’s me, the weird writer obsessed with Marvel and reading. I wanted to write about something different this week. With projects coming up and writing assignment after writing assignment, I’ve been kind of losing touch of myself. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love writing, of course I do. It’s just with each assignment, it feels like I’m trying a lot harder to make sure each one is the right word count, right format, I’ve done every requirement that I forget to enjoy the poem or short story or whatever it is I’m working on. And not being able to enjoy it comes with losing some of that creativity and new ideas. 

So what I wanted to do is list some things that I’m trying to do to lessen the stress and generate some new ideas and hopefully for those who are also feeling this way, it help y’all too.

First and foremost, and I know we hear this a lot but it is vitally important, don’t wait until the last day or so to work on it. Please don’t, if you do, you’re more likely to be severely stressed out and try to hard to meet the requirements that there’s no creativity involved and that puts a big dent in the piece. Start working on it as soon as it’s assigned and then some more each day before the deadline. This is also not me saying get done with it the first day it’s assigned and be so far ahead. For me, I like to be a little bit ahead and have a breather before turning it in, but getting done with it too early is a lot like getting it done at the last minute. Or, the result will be very similar, it would be more likely to lack the creativity. Working on it a little each day, in my opinion, will ensure the best result because between the time you pause it and resume it, new ideas will come up and help you keep going and have fun with it. And, believe me, this is a tricky tip because I’m an expert procrastinator. Ask any of my friends, they’ll confirm it. So, while I’ve got one finger pointing at whoever is reading, the rest of them are pointing back at me.

Secondly, if you get to a certain point where you can’t continue any longer even though you aren’t necessarily finished but there are no new ideas coming at all, stop. Take a break. “But you just said don’t wait until the last minute” Trust me, I know I did, but taking a few minutes to kinda breathe really helps. What also helps is to carry a notebook or something and pencil, pen, whatever because, if you’re like me and scatterbrained, writing down some thoughts and random ideas, even if they aren’t fully thought out ideas, it helps. That way, when you get back to it, you’ll have those ideas already there and you can build on them.

If I’m taking a break and are looking for something that will help generate some creativity or ideas, I like to read a book. I know, shocker. And I also know that not everyone likes to read which is why I say this, engage in any other creative or relaxing activity, whether that be drawing, music, dancing (kudos to those who can actually dance because I can’t), whatever it is that you enjoy doing. Trust me, it’ll help. I don’t just read to form new ideas, I also really like to draw and sometimes I’ll be drawing something random and I form a story behind the drawing that I use later on for an assignment. Maybe some song lyrics help you, or if you’re watching a movie/show and it gives you an idea. Whatever, the point is to engage in what it is you love to do and allowing to help be more creative in your writing.

Anyways, I feel like I’ve been giving one of those long teacher lectures, so that will be it for this week. Hopefully this helps and maybe I’ll continue this in case I find something else that helps with the stress. Just remember, it’s normal to be stressed and it sounds crazy, but some stress is healthy because it motivates you. But, of course, don’t worry yourself to death about it.

I am more than just a writer, I’m an artist and sometimes I need to do things that remind me of that and that’s not always writing hours upon end. I hope you remember that you’re more than just a writer, too.

That’s all I have, see you next week:)

Five Favorite Movies

So, I feel like I talk too much about my obsession with the MCU, but I promise those aren’t the only things I watch. I’ve briefly mentioned that I love Supernatural and Criminal Minds as well. But, as pointed out by the title, that’s not what this post will be about. This is a small list of movies that I’ve watched for years and more recent ones. If I continue this, it won’t exactly be like what I planned for the MCU movies/shows where I change the original, I’ll just add more to it.

Anyways, this is five of my favorite movies, and no these aren’t in any particular order this time. If I had spent the time needed to decide which movie I like more than the other, I wouldn’t be able to meet the Wednesday deadline. Anyways, hope you enjoy:)

The Gray Man

I absolutely loved this movie. It stars Ryan Gosling and his character, Sierra Six(I’ll get into why such a strange name in a little bit), basically is part of this elite group working for the CIA and after being sent on a job, Six finds out his boss is dirty and gets a hold of drive that has all that info on it. When his boss finds out Six is trying to expose him, he sends Lloyd Hanson(Chris Evans) to do whatever means necessary to stop him. Now, keep in mind, Lloyd is a sociopath and kidnaps Donald Fitzroy, the person the initially recruited Six, and Fitzroy’s niece, Claire, who has a heart condition, which that detail becomes very important throughout the movie. So, with help, Six has to go on a rescue mission and expose his boss at the same time. Claire has a traceable pacemaker and that allows Six to find them. Yes, it does have an ending that is sad and happy at the same time. I enjoyed that they had Chris Evans play the role of like a sociopathic killer because I don’t normally see him playing any sort of bad guy and, personally, I think he did a really good job at that role.


This was really good, too. Starring Vin Diesel, the main character Ray Garrison is introduced as a Marine and goes through a very traumatic experience that involved losing his wife, and eventually his “death”. But he wakes up and meets a CEO of a company called RST that basically designed next-level prosthetics for wounded military vets. For Ray, that was “nanites” in his blood that allowed him to heal instantly. Kinda like the Wolverine but no claws.  What becomes important in the movie is that the nanites needed to be recharged otherwise he loses that healing ability. Ray seeks revenge on the person who killed his wife and later when the nanites are charging, the movie reveals that the CEO actually uses technology to put false memories and realities in his head to make him believe that his wife was killed in order to use him to take out former RST workers. This was a cycle that was repeated many times before what was shown in the film. They do this one last time before Ray finally catches on to what was really going on and he gains the help of a hacker introduced as Wilfred Wigans and another military vet, KT who was “helped” by RST. Side note: KT suffered an accident that involved toxic chemicals and she was given a device that not only allowed her to breathe properly but be immune to any and all known toxins. Anyways, they’re all able to put an end to RST because all it really was, was a crazy rich dude who was using injured vets to do his dirty work. It was a really interesting movie to watch because it seemed like it was set in the future but the setting was the year it came out (2020).

The Ghost and the Darkness

Yes, this is an older movie, but it’s still really good in my opinion. I’m not gonna lie, when I was little, this movie used to terrify me. Kinda ironic that I’m putting it on this list, lol. The movie is actually based on a true story that takes place in Tsavo, Africa during the late 1890s. The main character John Patterson, played by Val Kilmer, is hired to build a bridge in Tsavo. During the construction, two male lions relentlessly attack and kill the workers. It gets bad to the point they have to hire a worldwide professional hunter Charles Remington, played by Michael Douglas. Sadly, Remington is also attacked and killed, but Patterson was eventually able to hunt down the lions. The ending is overall happy, his wife had their son back at their home in London and he was able to see him for the first time. Some fun facts about the true story behind the movie: the lions that were attacking were actually maneless male lions and, according to a research team, it was because lions from that region deliberately delay mane growth as a way of coping with the harsh temperatures(imagine it being that hot and having to spend 9 months there building a bridge). They were also abnormally large for lions, average lions are 6-6.8 feet while the ghost and the darkness lions were roughly 9.7 feet(2.95 meters). The bodies of the lions are currently on display in the Field Museum in Chicago.

The Lion King

NOT  the live action version! I’m sorry, it’s a good movie for those who haven’t already seen the original, but for those who have(including me) it was ruined. I don’t feel the need to get into details about this because I’m almost 100% positive that at one point or another, everyone has seen this movie at least once. Yes, I am a Disney nut as well so this needed to be on the list. This was a huge part of my childhood. All the songs were good, don’t ask me which one I liked best because I will spend at least an hour trying to decide if it would be Be Prepared or Hakuna Matata. So, seriously, don’t ask. One of my favorite lines is when Scar says “I’m surrounded by idiots” because I use it all the time because yes, I for some reason surround myself with idiots on a daily basis. I guess you just are who you hang out with, lol.

ignore the fuzziness of the video, lol.

The Day After Tomorrow

This was also a really good movie that’s basically about an ice age in today’s time, as hinted by the movie poster. Climatologist Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) predicts a major climate shift throughout the northern hemisphere because of a change in the North Atlantic Current and this leads to a very dangerous series of severe weather all across the world. Hurricanes, typhoons, tornados, you name it, all of it is happening at the same time and some storms in the movie are the biggest to be recorded. Jack Hall’s son, Sam, is currently on a trip in New York during the time of the movie and this is important because later, a series of hurricane-like supercell snowstorms hit the northern hemisphere with temperatures so low, people have frozen to death instantly. When these storms start hitting New York, Jack goes with a team to rescue his son and all the other students on the trip who got snowed in. A major problem in the movie is that Jack is ignored by the United Nations and the vice president so there was no international call for large-scale evacuations. At the end of the movie, Jack’s team saved who they could and other rescue helicopters were sent to find all the survivors. From then on, the world had to learn to adapt to the new ice age.

Anyways, that is all for this week’s list, I apologize if I got into too much detail for some and it got too boring. See you next week:)

Bottom Five Marvel Movies/Shows

Okay, I had made a post weeks ago about my top favorite movies and shows in the MCU and I had planned for this post sooner but I kept forgetting. Well, now we’re here and again this may be updated later as I haven’t seen everything just yet. For this one, I know this list will be a very controversial opinion and some may be mad at me for some of my choices. The list is not me saying that I didn’t like them, it is simply that when listing all of them from the ones I liked best to the ones I liked the least, these would come on the bottom of that list. So with that being said, here’s my least favorite movies/shows and this was not an easy decision either because like I said I don’t hate or dislike any of these, there are just so many I would put before these.

  1. Thor: The Dark World

photo from: Slash Film

When I said it would be a controversial opinion, I wasn’t referring to this one, because I know there are a lot of people would put it on their list for least favorites, too. With that being said, I still feel like it’s an underrated movie, because this shows Thor and Loki’s relationship starting to develop and we see how much Frigga(Thor and Loki’s mother) meant to Loki and how much it hurt him to lose her.

    2. WandaVision

Wait, wait, hear me out. Again, just my opinion. I know this is a lot of people’s favorite or one of their favorites, but for me, the plot development was a little slow. I know it was supposed to be so the viewers kinda have to keep watching it to understand what happens, but honestly didn’t really like that. But, that’s not to say that I didn’t like the way it ended. Yes, Wanda lost her kids and husband, but I liked the character development and that the viewers kinda wonder “Is she a villain or not?” I say yes and no. I’m not gonna explain, if you watched the show, hopefully you understand why I say that. Also, Darcy is one of the best characters and I loved that they kept her throughout the MCU and not just in the Thor movies.

    3.Spider Man: Homecoming

Again, hear me out. I know so many people LOVE Spider Man, but he’s not really my cup of tea. Now, there isn’t anything in particular that I didn’t like about the movie, there are just so many in the MCU that I would put before this in a heart beat. I think its safe to say that Peter was simply Tony’s unofficially adopted child, because I did really loved how much of a father figure Tony was for Peter. Another controversial opinion: Andrew Garfield was the best Spider Man, and no one can convince me otherwise.

   4. Captain Marvel

Now, with this one, I don’t really know what exactly it is about this movie that has moved me to put it on the list, but here it is. One thing I really liked about it is that this is the film in which Nick Fury first gets the idea of assembling the Avengers. I also liked that it was kinda a dystopian because there was injustice for a particular alien species but Carol didn’t know and thought the ones she was fighting alongside with were the good guys when they really weren’t.

   5. Thor

I put this one on the list for pretty much the same reason as I had put Thor: The Dark World on the list. It wasn’t the best Thor movie by any means, but like TTDW, it was still needed in terms of the plot and it showed a lot of why Loki showed resentment towards Odin and vise versa.

Anyways, that’s all my least favorite MCU movies, I know some of these choices are probably not what you may have expected, and I know a lot don’t agree with some of them, but these are just my opinion. 

I hope you enjoyed, see you next week:)

Completed Reads pt 2

Okay, so last week I had made a post about Natasha Preston’s The Fear, and this week I’m posting about Jenny Elder Moke’s Curse of the Specter Queen.

Photo from:

I know as little kids, we’re taught to never judge a book by its cover, but we’ll let it slide this time. So, what do you first notice when you see the cover and read the title in comparison to last week’s book talk? They look pretty different, don’t they? Well, they are. In fact, this is not a book I traditionally read, The Fear is a lot more like all the other books I had read. If you had read it or just my blog about it, yes, you probably should be worried about me. I know my family is. Not about me, but about “what I’m planning”. Anyways, but they are in fact different, from the setting, the plot, the genre. They aren’t polar opposites, but definitely not in the same category or subcategory. The Fear is a thriller murder mystery while Curse of the Specter Queen (we’ll just say CSQ for short) is a fantasy adventure.

Again, I’ll try my best to keep details as brief as possible because I do encourage you to read it, if this is the type of book you’d want to read.

So, CSQ is basically a female version of Indiana Jones with quite a few similarities. It is set in the 1920s in countryside Clemet and the main character, Samantha Knox, specializes in solving cyphers and riddles and works in an antique book shop. When she gets an old diary and a letter full of complex cyphers in the mail at the shop, she attempts to bring it to her boss. She gets back to find there are other ruthless men in search of the diary. The whole adventure takes Samantha, her best friend Joana, and her crush Bennet to Dublin, Ireland where they discover an order with a dark purpose- members of the Hellfire Club(no, not from Stranger Things, but that is kinda funny) seek to summon the Specter Queen, an ancient Celtic goddess of vengeance and death, and bring about a war unlike any other. It’s up to Samantha to solve a complex cypher and find a relic that is a key piece to the summoning ritual.

If I were to rate this book, it’d be a 4 out of 5. It was very detail-heavy and although a lot of parts needed that kind of detail, I felt that some could’ve had some left out and it would still be very good. Some parts were just slightly slow and boring. But, of course, that’s just my opinion and my ADD brain talking. If you enjoy books that have a lot of detail, then I definitely recommend.

But I did very much enjoy that it was very adventurous and it was very much like I was watching an Indiana Jones movie. I loved each of the characters and I think the author did a very good job at making each of their personalities distinct.

That is all I have to say for this book talk, I hope this has encouraged you to read it. See you next week:)

Completed Reads

I had previously made a post that listed a couple of my current reads. This post will be about the one I finally finished reading. These books are taking me longer to read than usual but I finally finished one of them.

This will be focused on Natasha Preston’s The Fear, and just as I had predicted before, it was definitely a nail-biting emotional roller coaster.

Photo is unavailable:(

One thing out of many that I like in Natasha’s books is that something almost immediately happens instead of making the reader wait with a slow build up. I promise to try to keep the details as brief as possible in case you may want to read it in which I definitely recommend it. But, if you don’t like cliffhangers, then I would recommend avoid reading almost any of Natasha Preston’s books. That is one of the main things she’s known for in her writing. I think she’s only ever written one series, but I didn’t read it. The only book that I have read that didn’t end in a cliffhanger is The Cellar, which was her first book. It’s also very good and one of my favorites:)

Anyways, I’m done chasing rabbits, back to talking about The Fear. The book is set in a small town in the dead of winter that was the origin of a viral meme post in which it asked what your worst fear was. Izzy, the main character, seems to be the only one refraining from reposting the meme sharing her worst fear. It was just a joke until Izzy finds that a few classmates had been killed in the same way they said they feared. She of course wishes to find the person responsible and comes across a few characters to try, or pretend to try, to help her. She soon goes deeper and deeper in the case to the point there is zero turning back as she’s about to be faced with her worst nightmare.

I could honestly talk about the book and how it made me feel from the first page to the last all day. But I don’t wanna spoil it too much because I would want y’all to read it first:)

But another thing I liked about the book is that it gave me a little bit of breathing room before the next big thing happened, otherwise I’d have no nails left to bite. Each plot twist, in my opinion, fit really well in the story. They weren’t the kind where in my head I’ll say “well, that doesn’t go well with the story”, like you’re almost finished with a puzzle and you have one piece left to put in it, but instead of putting the right piece in it, you took a piece of another puzzle and tried to force it in first puzzle.

I’m gonna give you a full warning, if you do choose to read it and I’m not trying to discourage you from doing so, but please don’t get too attached to any of the characters. For your heart’s sake, please don’t.

Anyways, That’s all I have to say on this book, hopefully I’ll be done with the other one I’ve talked about in another post by next week and make a post about it.

See you next week:)

Top Five Favorite Marvel Movies/Shows

Yes I am back at it again with Marvel. It is a topic that I personally won’t grow tired of talking about. I love Marvel and I’m a little obsessed but I’m okay with that. Anyways, this will be a short series with only one part following this one that will list my five least favorite. There are still some movies and shows that I have not seen yet, so these will be updated later on. Anyways, these are my top favorite movies/shows in the MCU and my favorite scenes from each of them. These will be listed from my most favorite first then down. Just so you know, this wasn’t an easy list to make because it’s so hard to choose some over others.

  1. Avengers: Endgame

Photo from: Tenor

This is a popular favorite when it comes to Marvel movies and there are a lot of good reasons why. Aside from being the movie where the Avengers bring back everyone gone in the “blip”(Thanos killing half the universe), I felt it was a good representation of bouncing back from difficult times. Obviously there are a lot of sad scenes like losing Tony(Iron Man), Natasha(Black Widow), and Steve(Captain America) but it was still an overall amazing movie.

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Photo from:

This was my extremely close second but I absolutely love this movie. And no it’s not just because of Bucky…. he’s only half the reason. But since I’ve already started talking about him, for those who say or think he was the villain, I will hurt you. He was never the villain, it’s called mind-control and brainwashing. The only villain in the movie was Alexander Pierce(the leader of Hydra). Anyways, another reason is that I love movies that have a lot of action in it and this movie was full of it. And, of course, its the movie that Hydra was finally taken down and we’re always glad about that. It also sparked a lot of change because in order for Hydra to go down, SHIELD had to also.

3. Black Widow

Photo from: IMDb

I was disappointed to find out that this wasn’t gonna be about Natasha coming back because I’ve heard rumors beforehand saying that’s what it was gonna be about. However, I absolutely loved that it explained the years between Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War. It also gave good background of her childhood and her “family”. I loved that they introduced her sister Yelena and that she became a bigger part of the MCU later one, but that’s for another time:)

4. Moon Knight

Photo from: IMDb

Definitely my favorite series that I’ve watched so far. I loved that it was an Egyptian themed hero. Basically, the series is about a guy named Marc Spector who suffers from multiple personality disorder and the other personality is Steven Grant but in the beginning of the series, it introduces just Steven because that was the dominant personality at the time. As it continues, it shows the antagonist, Arthur Harrow, kills people based on crimes he predicts will happen in the future. Harrow is a worshipper of Ammit, an Egyptian goddess known as the “devourer of souls” who’d punish those before they had even done anything wrong. Marc is the avatar(servant) of Khonshu, the god of the moon and of vengeance who would punish those who have already committed a crime, making Marc the Moon Knight. When Khonshu and Marc/Steven learn that Harrow plans to fully awaken Ammit from her prison, they make it their mission to stop him.

This is not exactly my most favorite scene, but it’s one of the funniest

It does seem a little confusing, so I truly do recommend watching it to understand:)

5. Loki

Photo from: IMDb

Again, before I watched it, I thought it would be about Loki coming back from the dead because that was a typical Loki thing to do. Then of course it showed that it was about events that happened when he stole the Tesseract in Endgame, technically in 2012. I loved that it showed a complete character development for Loki and I loved all of his variants, but the crocodile was the best one and no one can convince me otherwise. I loved the cliffhanger at the end and normally I don’t like cliffhangers, but since I know there will be a season two, it made me that much more excited for it.

Well, that’s my top five favorite movies/series, like I said it was a very tough decision to make. Next is my five least favorite. See you next week:)

The Better Generation

Now, hold on, before you start drawing conclusions, I am not blogging about an entire generation in general. Personally, I don’t believe any generation is better than another because each one is messed up in one way or another, but that’s for another time.

What I am talking about is particularly me and my parents. Very specifically, the difference between their lives and what they’ve done with them so far and mine. And I’m blogging about this in hopes the reader can relate. So, a bit of a trigger warning. I’m not gonna get too specific but I wanna put in the warning just in case the following situation brings back something for the reader. If you don’t wish to continue reading, that is completely okay, my feelings aren’t hurt.

With that being said, if you’re still reading then buckle up because this is going to be quite a ride.

So, why did I give this blog a title that should be given to a broader topic? Not so simply put, I know that so far, I have become a better person than my parents and sorry if it sounds arrogant, but it’s the sad truth. And it’s halfway because I wanted that for myself and that I was pressured to be so by others.

Photo from: World Nomads View of Annapurna South from Tolka tea house on the Annapurna Sanctuary Trek in Nepal. View of snowy Himalayan mountain at sunset through the clouds.

I chose this photo to put in here because this is what I visualize when I think of reaching certain expectations: climbing mountains, however tall they may be.

It’s sad to think that I’d want to make sure I am not my parents. I say that because when you’re a little kid, what tends to be a big wish aside from being famous or going to space? You hope to be just like Mommy or Daddy, right? Well, unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for me. I did not want to be like either one of my parents.

Why not? I mean no parent is perfect, but what was so bad about mine in particular? Well, for starters, neither one of them could have a decent career, at least not for long. My dad was a high school dropout and the only college education he received was when he was required to take a college course for the Army in which he served for a year and a half. My mother did finish high school but never went to college.

Throughout my life, it has been drilled in my head that I needed to get all the good grades and that I was gonna go to college to have a good career, because my parents didn’t have that. I know that is completely normal for parents to want that for their kids and, God forbid, any parent wouldn’t, but it was for the wrong reasons in my case. On top of that, a lot of other family issues were happening. Like I said, not going into too much detail.

Luckily, I got away from those issues and have been overall okay ever since. Over the last few years, I have learned more about my parents than I thought I would have. They both had strengths that would’ve led to more than stable careers, but because of the choices they made and they didn’t have many people to support them, they didn’t get the chance at that.

Through the past few years, me becoming better and having a better life than my parents became less of something that was decided for me and more of what I really want for myself. And I promise it’s not to spite them, I just don’t want to end up like my parents did and show them that even though they didn’t do it in the best way, they taught me a lot of what I know now, like be careful of the choices you make and learn from the mistakes of others around you as well as your own.

I am very glad to not only have the strengths and talents that would help get me far in life but that I also have good people to support me and help me in whatever need comes up.

Anyways, that is pretty much it for this post, I hope you enjoyed it. See you next week:)

Current Reads

So, since I’ve done the MCU characters series, I’ve kinda run out of ideas for a blog. So, I thought I’d just do one on some current reads. It’s not really like a book recommendation but, of course, if any of these strike as something that you might want to read, by all means. But here are a couple of them and I might end up making this another series for every time I start on a new book, but I’m not really sure just yet.

But, moving on, here are are two books I am reading as of right now, hope you enjoy:)

Natasha Preston’s The Fear.


Photo from: Goodreads 

This the one that I have been carrying with me to class. If you’re familiar with this author, or can just tell by the title, this is a mystery/thriller. Basically what this book is about so far is that there is a viral meme going on in this very small town that’s asking viewers what their worst fear of dying is and it’s gotten lots of reposts with people’s answers. One night, the main character Izzy and her friends went to a party and when they were on their way home, they found a student dead on the side of the road. When they were later questioned by police, they found out another student had died. Later they discovered that both students had died the same way they had feared the most. One had reposted the meme saying her worst fear is being crushed and the other reposted that his is drowning. 

Where I’m at in the story right now is when Izzy decides she’s going to find out who is responsible. What do I expect from this book? Heartbreak, that’s what. To try to save myself from, I don’t trust any character in here, especially any upcoming love interest. In Natasha’s books, there is usually 1 of 2 things that happens to them. Either they are the bad guy or they die/ in immediate danger and that’s where the book ends. There is no in between. So, I’m not rooting for any ship.

I love Natasha Preston as writer, she’s a really great author, but it’s almost as if her life goal is to break as many readers’ hearts as possible. Almost all her books end with a very intense cliffhanger.


Jenny Elder Moke’s The Curse of the Specter Queen

Photo from: Goodreads

Okay, I’m not as far into this one as the other one, but basically it’s a female Indiana Jones so it’s an adventure/fantasy. The main character is Samantha who is a librarian at an antique bookstore with a specialty in deciphering codes. One day, she gets a package that contains a very old journal in terrible condition. Because it is set during the winter time, it was mostly wet due to the snow. After she repairs it, she sees that it’s full of cyphers and decides to take it to her boss at his house, but he wasn’t there so she kept with her. When she gets back, she finds that two men broke into the bookstore, looking for that same journal. In desperation of not wanting her to go to the police, the two men set the store on fire, and she barely makes it out alive still carrying the journal. Fast forward to couple hours later, she, her best friend, and her best friend’s brother set off to not only get away from the two men looking for the journal but also find what’s so special about that was worth attempting to kill someone over. And that’s pretty much where I’m at in the book, that was within the first ten chapters of it.

Well, I hope you found these interesting, and these are some things you’d like to read, I recommend them and I found them both at Walmart. That’s usually where I buy my books.

Until next week :3 

MCU Characters Who Deserved Better pt. 3

Okay, finally at the final part of this series. I am very sure that there are others who deserve their own spotlight in this, but I’ll save those for later on down the road. I’m sure that hearing me obsess over the MCU is getting slightly annoying. So this is the last part, for now:)

For those who remember last week’s post, you most likely know who this is going to be about. But for those who don’t, let me introduce Loki Laufeyson 😀


Photo from: Reason Magazine

First off, there is a lot to be said about Loki. I think out of all of the characters, he showed the most character evolvement, but that’s just my opinion.

Was he a villain? Yes, for a while. I mean, he’s literally the God of Mischief, his whole thing was being the villain. But no villain goes without reason. For those who are unfamiliar, Loki is the adopted brother of Thor, and it wasn’t until he was a grown adult that he learned that. His “father”, Odin, took him in as baby during a rampaging war in hopes that he would later be used to form an alliance. He was brought in the family as a political token. He was always treated like he wasn’t truly a part of the family and now he knew why.

But, in all honesty and I know this is an unpopular opinion, I don’t think that justifies the things he did during the movies Thor and The Avengers. He still chose to do those things with his “kneel or be killed” perspective. 

But, from Thor: The Dark World forward, there’s a gradual change in that perspective. Even though it wasn’t one of Marvel’s best movies, I still think it’s underrated because I feel it was important to show that Loki isn’t just the God of Mischief. There’s another side to him that Odin chooses not to see and that Thor just isn’t aware of until later in the movie. The film shows that he was closest to his “mother”, Frigga, when she attempts to make him feel as at home as possible even though he was being imprisoned for his actions done in The Avengers by bringing him books and making his cell feel more like an actual room.

Loki was heartbroken when Frigga was killed and even more so when he couldn’t go to her funeral.

At the end of the film, Loki sacrificed himself for Thor, and the more human side to him is revealed. Of course, his “death” was faked and that’s when we come into Thor: Ragnorok. This is the film in which Loki learns Thor always saw him as his blood brother and didn’t hold the grudge against him even though he was ultimately responsible for Odin’s death (he had it coming, but that’s just my opinion). They become closer as siblings and Loki saw that Frigga wasn’t the only one who loved him like real family.

Just because this is my favorite scene from the film, here’s a youtube video

Of course, they do end of fighting side by side to save Asgard from their sister, Hela.

In Infinity War, which is the saddest film in the MCU, just under Endgame it shows who Loki really is. The reason I say that is in my opinion the one thing that shows who a person truly is on the inside is their actions during their last moments. At least, if they know they’re at their last moments. 

During Loki’s last moments, he makes an attempt to trick Thanos in order to save Thor which shows that, in the end, he would protect his family. That is a lot of character development. One of the saddest lines from the movie is when Loki said, “I assure you, brother, the Sun will shine on us again”.

Now, into the series Loki, for those who are familiar with it but have not seen it, it is based from the scene in Endgame when 2012 Loki steals the Tesseract once again and escapes. There is a lot that happens in this series and I highly recommend watching it, but to keep it short and sweet, he starts out as wanting nothing but control and a throne and was willing to lie his way to get it but all it took was a couple of people to show him that he is more than what he thinks he is.

I strongly feel that Loki deserves better because his story shows that even the most narcissistic, pathological liar can change their ways. All it takes is someone who genuinely cares to show them that they can.

Well, that’s the end of the series for now. I think this was a good conclusion to it, you guys let me know:)

Marvel Characters Who Deserved Better pt. 2

Hello again, if y’all remember last week’s post I opened a series of characters in the MCU whom I personally believe deserve better and they’d be listed from the one I feel strongest about to the least. To start, I did Bucky Barnes. For part 2, I will be doing Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch.

Photo from: Twitter

Wanda Maximoff first made her appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron when it was her and her twin brother, Pietro. In the beginning of the film, they are introduced as “enhanced” as it was referred to in the movie who chose to volunteer as experiments for Hydra. They both had a hatred for the Avengers that began at the time of their parents’ tragic death and they saw that the weapon used was from Stark Industries. 

After the last Hydra base was taken down, the twins meet Ultron who has an equal hatred for Tony Stark and he believed that he could save the world but was actually going to destroy. When the twins discover this, they side with the Avengers and save the the people of Sokovia(a made up European country). However, things take a dark and very tragic turn when she loses Pietro to him sacrificing himself to save Hawkeye and a young Sokovian boy.

In CA:CW, Wanda and Vision began to become very close, even though they chose opposite teams. And in Infinity War, she and Vision get together and she feels like she’s gaining a new family. Some of my favorite but most heartbreaking quotes in that film are the “I just feel you” parallels. For those who haven’t seen it, that sentence wasn’t referring to anything physical, it was more of an emotional “feel”. You’d have to watch it to understand. And, of course, because Vision had the Mind Stone that Thanos was after, he was killed.

Wanda felt that all she had was Vision, and she ended up losing him. What’s even more heartbreaking is that she had to destroy the Mind Stone to ensure Thanos couldn’t get to it. But because he already had the Time Stone, he went back and took it himself. She had to do the one thing that would break her to save trillions just for it to be for nothing.

Because Vision wasn’t killed by the “blip”(what they called the time half the universe was killed), Wanda couldn’t get him back, so during the series WandaVision, she took that trauma and created her own reality where she had Vision and her two sons. Yes, that included mind-controlling the entire town of Westview, and it did kind of make her a villain because she chose to keep it going. But, however, that is what happens when someone is visibly in pain and no one helps them. It was very heartbreaking to see that her whole world was torn down in the end and she had just gotten the one thing she wanted- a life and family with Vision.

When I first watched the series, I felt it was a slow upbringing, but it was a good character upbringing and it showed a new side of Wanda, almost like she’s going through a psychic break. This can be applied to someone in real life, if they have been through so much trauma and have not had help from friends or family, this is what happens. They go through a break, and people get hurt. But people wanted to blame it all on Wanda, and personally, I strongly believe that is very unfair.

Wanda did not deserve the trauma and pain she’s been through and that she deserved so much better.


Thank you for listening to this week’s rant, next is Loki. Stay tuned:)