So, this is it. The last blog. It’s quite funny how it’s the little things, to me, that make the end of milestones bittersweet. I remember having to do the blogs every week and it was difficult to keep coming up with topics to talk about. Now, this will be the last time you’ll hear from me on here because I’ll be graduating. Knowing you’ll be doing something, big or little, for the last time because of a big change can make me feel many things. It’s becoming more real as each little thing comes to an end right before officially ending my high school career.
Most of my favorite memories came from my time here as well as some bad ones. Nevertheless, it truly is an unforgettable experience from beginning to end.
I found all my favorite people and made friendships to last me a lifetime. It’s really hard to say goodbye to people you’ve grown so close with and you know y’all are going your separate ways. I have found healthy relationships that I never want to let go of. I have found who my real friends were and people who genuinely loved me and cared about me, and for that I will forever be grateful.
(I had more pictures and video clips, but none I can share on a blog, lol)
I’ve made incredible memories that I never want to forget. I know that when I look back years down the road, these will be my best memories. I was genuinely happy and content with my life. I’ll always remember the trips, the events, both proms, everyday life, going out with friends, and enjoying the present moment. There were definitely some core memories made here.
I found out what kind of person I wanted to be while I was here getting to know all kinds of different people and learning others’ stories. I learned what values were my own and which ones would kind of guide who I’ll be all throughout my adult life. Attending a live-in high school and getting a somewhat college experience two years before college tends to do that.
Before I began coming here, I thought I was set for what college to go to and I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life. So many things have changed since then, and I learned to stop worrying about things(for the most part) that I can’t control. I feel more steady and yet anxious at the same time. You’d think it’d help to know that there are just some things I can’t control and I shouldn’t try to, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes it scares me more when there’s nothing I can do. But I know what I want to do and I need to let things fall into place as they’re meant to. I’ll pursue writing all throughout my life, wherever that takes me. I know I won’t be alone for the ride, and I’m very thankful for that.
MSA will always be a big part of my life and it’ll be very bittersweet when this chapter ends. It wasn’t always the best, but I know that when I reflect on my life, I can thank this place for being where I found my favorite people and discovered my favorite things about myself.
I wish everyone reading good luck wherever life takes y’all. I hope you’ve enjoyed all my random topics and posts. Thank you for reading all this time and listening to my rambling. For the last time, much love<3