New Year, Same Me, New Routine

As I stated in my last blog, 2019 is the year of taking the lessons I learned in 2018 and applying them. Keep that in mind while reading this….

New Year: As of 12:00:00 AM January 1, 2019, it is no longer 2018. Get it? Got it? Good! 

Same Me: I was born February 28, 2002 at 7:31 P.M. at GLH. Just because the time and date changes, does not mean I have to change to. Therefore, the New Year, New Me thing does not apply to me. What I will do though is grow, which is what we all should thrive to do every-day.

New Routine: In order for me to grow, I have to put myself on a routine or schedule that involves all things that will enhance my mental, emotional,and physical traits. Of course just because I put myself on a routine or schedule, does not mean everything in my life is going to happen according to that. But, that is where the growth comes in. How do I deal with the unexpected things that take place? 

Here is my routine/schedule:

Mental: Around October or November, I started having frequent headaches. I used to wonder why, but now I know. It was because I constantly remembered EVERYTHING I had to do/know. I never wrote anything down, I would just keep it all in my head. So now, as soon as I recognize that something has to be added to my day or week, I put it in my calendar on my phone and set two reminders for it. That way, I can go through the day only worrying about what I am focused on at that time. It is still a lot, but a lot easier. 

Physical: Around November, I started noticing that either my pants were shrinking or I was gaining weight. Come to find out, I was gaining weight. When we went home for Christmas/New Year’s break, I went to the doctor and found out that I have gained 40+ pounds. I wish I could blame it on this school, but I can’t. It was all me. So, before my birthday, February 28, I will tone this weight. I don’t want to lose it because the weight looks good on me. I just need it all to not look like it’s just there. So, I am committing to exercise everyday. I WILL…. stretch, walk for 4 minutes and 25 seconds, do 16-25 squats, run for 2 minutes and 16 seconds, do this crazy leg/stomach/back workout, lift 40-60 pounds of weights, do the Move Your Body challenge, and run in place EVERYDAY! I think by the end of January, I should be fine, don’t you think? 

Emotional: I was an emotional WRECK by November. Guess what? Now…. “I PUT MY FEELINGS ON SAFETY!” < Ella Mai Reference! I’m returning to people whatever energy I receive from them, PERIOD. 

Thanks for reading/skimming…. 

Taking It to the Streets

Back at it again with the blog posts! Now, what to blog about… Okay. So, I’ve talked about my thing with watching food videos, and yada yada, but I’ve gotten into another food-related video genre: street food. Just Saturday, I subscribed to three more YouTube channels. I’ll include the links at the bottom of this post, naturally. Gotta share it with you guys!

My best friend and I already plan on going to Japan one day, but the videos solidified it for me. Now I just have to figure out what would be the best time for us to go. I personally want to go during the fall because it won’t be too hot or too cold, but I also want to go to a matsuri (Japanese for ‘festival’), and I’d have to see what festivals would happen around that time. On top of figuring out the timing of a trip out of country, one would have to factor in finances, availability, transportation while in Japan, and other things that I can’t think of off the top of my head. But all that won’t really bother me: I have an affinity for planning trips or events.

Back to the topic of street foods though, it’s actually pretty cool to watch the vendors make the food. Like I watched this video where they were making taiyaki, a fish-shaped cake that usually has some sort of filling (like red bean), and it’s so neat to watch!

This is taiyaki, by the way.

Maybe I’ll make it one day… It just won’t have the fish shape because I don’t have that mold.

Anyway, that’s my new obsession! So if I ever get any free time, you’ll most likely find me watching something from any of those three channels.

Making Taiyaki 

Street Food Channel

Travel Thirsty Channel

Aden Films Channel

good reads?

I’ve always been a big reader. I would sleep with books under my pillow when I was a toddler. In elementary, middle school, and even the first year or so of high school, you could never catch me without a book in my hand. That’s always been my luxury get away and I felt incomplete without knowing that a book was under my desk or in my book bag. I still feel incomplete without my books. I typically stuff my book bag with work and like three different books that I don’t even have time to read. I’m aware that I don’t have time to read but, as I said before, the knowledge of them being near me is so comforting. Some of my top favorites are The Book Thief and I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak, Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green, and The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. I’ve been into so many different genres of books like thrill, horror, comedy, and drama. I was always the top reader in elementary school. Lately, though, I haven’t been reading. I mean, I finished and started a book over the Christmas break but I want to catch up on so much more. I miss reading with all of my heart and I don’t have as much time to go to a bookstore and read all the summaries and skim through the pages. So, it kind of hinders me from being able to find books that I could be interested in. Which brings me to why I’ve written this post. If anyone has any books that they’d think I’d be remotely interested in, please please please give me a list or something!! I really miss reading with all my heart and I’m gonna be packing my summer with reading and catching up on what I’ve been missing. So yeah! Tee-hanks!


we start with learning how to function as a normal human being.

our body takes care of the basics; eating, sleeping, breathing, etc., but at sometime we start to hit milestones. rolling over, walking, talking, going to school. From the moment we are born we are taught how to live as a person.

my question is, what makes someone’s personality different from that of their friends.

obviously there’s up bringing. something that differentiates me from everyone else is the people and environment that was around me. I’m a collage of my family’s and friends traits. i’m also a big believer that while those things can determine a person’s personality and mindset, it isn’t always the determining factor. some serial killers were brought up in nice, respectable households. and some people grow up in a horrendous house and town, and turn out to be the sweetest people i’ve ever gotten the pleasure to meet. not to say this has to be the case with everyone.

genetics also apparently factor in. family traits can carry on, same with mental illness, but that doesn’t mean it accounts for everything. Even identical twins only have up to about 50% of the same personality traits/interests.

the last factor of sorts ties in with environment, but it’s life events. positive or negative events can sway a person and how they act. anything from a transcending trip to a traumatic memory trigger the shift.

all this said, sometimes a bad person is just destined to be a bad person. same with good people. people can change, yes, but they have to make that conscious effort. maybe it is out of their control. who knows.

nature vs. nurture is a whole debate.

personally i can’t choose to believe either is the right answer. all of these factors seem to clash too much for either to the one thing. i wish it was that simple. to have a kid, raise them “right”, give them my whole heart, and them go out into the world and be the best person ever. sadly, that’s just a risk you have to take. have a kid, do the best you can, and hope for the best. i think that’s one of the most terrifying parts about the whole building a family thing. other than messing a kid up. even if you they turn out to be the next notorious serial killer, you have that unconditional love. or at least most parents do. that’s also scary. to love someone so much. not ready for that no sir.

i’ll just stick to raising my sweet pup, being able to sleep well at night knowing i can’t mess up bringing a dog into this world.

A Rewrite Of The Instruction Manual On How To Dig Me Out Of This Hole


I want someone to tell me how to be happy.


I want someone to take me to the end of the rainbow,

where they have found their very own happiness.


Take the corners of my fallen mouth and turn them upright.

Sew them up with purple thread because that’s my favorite color.


Take my tears and store them somewhere sacred.

Where someday I can go back and spread them,

on the dead ashes of the sadness inside me.


Reattach my hair back together with my scalp.

Do so carefully because they are delicate too.


Pinch my cheeks to give them a rosy color,

even if the only way is through pain.


Lift my drooping shoulders and arch my slumping spine.

So that I can stand tall in hopes of seeing the light,

at the end of the dark tunnel I’ve been traveling through.


Take a magic marker and erase the darkness under my eyes,

Because the pigmentation is taking away from the beautiful blue eyes,

I used to get complimented on some time ago


Put my puzzling mind back in place,

One by one so I’ll know if I’m missing a piece or not.


Piece me back to whole because I can’t remember what that was like anymore.

how to save a marriage

First, you must get married. Find a man that you half-way love, and convince yourself he is the love of your life. Ignore his faults, and tell your parents he is the one.  Craft a fairy tale in which he is your prince, and he’s found your glass slipper in a hole-in-the-wall sports bar. Throw away all your convictions of love, because this illusion will be your reality of love. Know him for five months, and talk about the subject of marriage. Get no engagement ring. Decide you’re both too mature for that. Plan a wedding for the somewhere tropical, maybe Key West, but get eloped in Vegas. Be a walking stereotype for twenty year olds in love. Move from his hometown to New York. Be young, and in love, and New York. He pesters you to have children. You’re not sure it’s what you want. Spend a couple more years, just the two of you and your career. Write love letters to him, telling him he’s different from all the other football players you’ve dated. There’s something about him you can’t put your finger on. Or maybe you just can’t capture it within the 8 x 5 letter paper.

Tell him you’re pregnant. Watch as his co-workers pat him on the back, and say “Congrats man!” Spend the next couple of months watching your belly grow. You tell him you’re going to go back to work a week after she’s born. He complies. Notice he becomes less frustrated, and pray that it stays that way. Give birth to your baby girl, and fall in love for the second time. You look past her crooked nose and smushed face. You see an angel. Interview nannies and realize you cannot leave your angel alone. You never go back to work. Beg him for more children.

Get pregnant for the second time years later. His anger starts up again. Hear his yelling, and pray again. Pray. Pray. Pray. You still believe in God because your child is proof from heaven. Have your second child, a boy, and love deeply. Convince your husband to move back to his home town, to be closer to his parents. Your husband’s anger will burn bright. Try your best to shield your children from it.

It escalates from throwing words to throwing objects. T.V. remotes, shoes, anything. Argue with him about what kind of dog food to buy, if your boy should play sports (he doesn’t want to, much to his dad’s dismay), where all your saving’s money is going to, etc. He will deny that he is in the wrong about anything. Watch as one cup of wine turns into ten shots of vodka. One night, at three a.m. he will stumble in from bar hopping. Somehow, in his haze, he will tear the fan in the master bedroom down to the floor. He will try and salvage the ceiling fan drunkenly.

Wake up the next morning, call the handyman, and pretend like nothing happened. You will pretend so hard that you will forget what’s real and what’s not. When you’ve had too much, you’ll bring up the idea of couple’s therapy, and he will pretend right back at you. This is when you’ll realize your marriage is a lie. A childish fairy-tale, similar to when you little girls plays make believe. Contemplate leaving for the first time. You’re not sure where, but it doesn’t matter to you.

Contemplate leaving for the second time and decide you want to move back with your parents.

When you contemplate leaving for the third time, you call your mom, and tell her you’re coming home. Tell your husband later that night that you’re leaving. He gets angry again, screaming about how life is unfair and all the reasons you aren’t allowed to. Just tell him the way it is, and that you’re leaving come next week. He doesn’t seem to believe you until he comes home a week later and the only trace of his family is a forgotten baby shoe.

Leaving your marriage is the exact way you save it.

Story of (some) Literary Progression

Welcome to the story of Tyler Renee, a literary artist.

So about 10 years ago, eight year old me sat down on a beige couch with a speckled composition book in my pink “writer’s robe” (a bathrobe that I only wore when writing at home) and wrote a 20 page story about three girls and a dolphin. Now, looking back on that story, I can honestly tell you that it was trash. But it succeeded in helping me find my passion for writing.

After  that, I started writing poetry. I filled many composition books with rhyming poems (I was a fan on the ABAB CDCD rhyme scheme at the time.)  It became more often that one would find me scribbling away in a composition book writing than reading AR books or doing my math homework. This of course caused some problems and for a couple years or so I didn’t write at all.

When I got to be 12 or 13, I picked up the  habit again (this time abandoning the rhyme scheme all together). I would write short fiction stories and create characters in my free time. I wrote about my religious beliefs and societal problems. I wrote of depression and happiness.

But then I started going through a hard time getting anywhere with my stories and would throw most away as soon as I broke away from them. I would tear pages upon pages of writing out of my notebooks before throwing them away because at the time I didn’t believe in my writing in the slightest bit.

Then when I was 15, I learned about Mississippi School of the Arts and I was once again inspired to write and I started to really believe that I could be a poet and write for a living. I practiced create several portfolios for the application for Mississippi School of the Arts. I was fully prepared to apply. But the year of my application, I was not in the best of mindsets. I lost full belief in my writing and myself. I threw away all of my poetry and fiction pieces that I had cultivated. I gave up writing and any dreams that I had that I could live the life of a literary artist.

However, my friend, Nakiejah Hickman, talked me into rewriting my pieces and applying anyways. The day I received my acceptance letter was the day that I fully accepted that my writing was not the trash I believed it to be. From that day forward, I have written many poems and fiction pieces. I have written plays and monologues (I mean they were not the best but they didn’t suck too bad).

I am proud to call myself a literary artist. And I am proud to say that I have come a long way from the 8 year old in a pink robe writing about dolphins. And while I lost years of my earliest works, I am proud to have struggled the way I had. It taught me to fully embrace my creativity and my art.

So here’s to a new year of literary growth.

Post Modern Trauma

Hey. If you’re reading this then you might need some cheering up in your life. Maybe you need something that makes getting up in the morning a little more worth it. Or something a little more soothing before work, school, or any other activities that vary throughout the day. Anyway, back to the topic at hand -inspiration, and my tangle with the people of the world.

Ever since my early childhood, my family has always found me a little odd. Not because of really anything out of the ordinary, it was mainly because I was a little shyer than my siblings. When they would openly greet people and shake strangers hands, I would hide behind my mom or dad’s legs and pray that I was small enough to go unnoticed.

This became my regular schedule despite reaching an age where that would be considered a little too much. Even at the thought of being in front of a crowd would send me into a shaking frenzy. My eyes would go big my legs would tremor my stomach would drop. It was like the very thought of dealing with anything like that was something that would put me in the grave. My fear seemed to grow as grew. It took up almost every single last bit of my life. So as you can imagine middle school was a living nightmare.

I’m going to skip any parts of elementary because my mom would warn the teachers of my fear and convince them not to force me in-front of the class for any reason.

But in middle school it was different. I can only assume she thought I was prepared to go through life without aide at this point. she thought wrong in this regard. Every single teacher assumed I was like any other student that had stage fright. That I could do it if they could, but alas that hardly happened. The second I was called tot he fronts I would attempt to refuse. or I would stay still and close my eyes and pray that they ignored me. Like a
T-rex to its prey. But on the more confident days of mine, I would actually make it tot he front of the class. I even at times stuttered out a word or two before my body went through its usual routine. I would freeze, the words on my page would blur, the floor would open up, everyone was nothing but giants pairs of judging eyes peering down at me. I was nothing but as insignificant bug ready to be squashed under their shoes.

Then came the shaking.

Some people would call it seizure-like, others demon possession for a short period of time. I went into overdrive, everything became too much or not enough, I could hear a pin drop in Africa, but someone could be shouting in my ear and they would only pick up static and the occasional mumble. Any attempt to pick me up would result in my body seizing and the shaking to get worse. So I would be left until someone called a nurse or a principle, or a friend to help me off the floor, they had things to present this was becoming a common occurrence. But why?  Anyone would think that the teachers would have stopped calling on me, or forcing me to do anything after all of that, and you would be correct. I stopped being called on. Teachers hardly looked at me when I meekly put up my hand to answer questions. surprisingly enough I was the one that persisted. I was the one that told them I was capable of during the presentation, or answering the question or reading out-loud. It was possible, it was completely possible, but only to me. No one else saw that after a period so I became my own hype man. I’d practice speaking in the mirror. I’d practice speaking in my room to my stuffed animals, I’d practice while I was laying in bed half asleep. I didn’t stop and I didn’t quit. Because I had a  goal. I wanted to stand in front of a class and give a presentation and finish one. Not even make it half way but to finish one in its entirety.

This took my years, literal years, but there is a reason I started it in middle school because it was the first time I actually did it. It was the very first time I stood in front of a class of people and spoke. This was major.  Yes I still shook and I still cried and I still needed to be comforted after but I finished that power point and it felt like the whole world had been lifted off my shoulders. I physically wanted to jump up and down and scream out of pure joy.

(I think the only reason really that I finished the power point was because I made a mistake and said “Koo Koo Klan” instead of “Ku Klux Klan” and couldn’t stop laughing.)

That was my very first step into improving my confidence, social skills, and communicative skills as well. 6th to 8th grade was the dawn of a new era for Timera Gaston and I still roll with it today. Yes, i do still have my downfalls and my bad days but overall I think I’ve down way better now that I ever had in the past, and I know for a fact that if little me ever met me now she would be proud, and we’d fist-bump and I’d show her BTS videos so she could have a head start. What I’m saying is that sometimes you have to fail a lot to make an improvement, sometimes you have to inspire yourself to keep reaching for your goals and sometimes all you need is a little misstep down a cliff to find a pot of gold.


You see those words blaring at you, the blue screen illuminating, trying to irritate your eyes even more, “I love you, but I can’t be with you anymore.” It feels like you’re being crushed. Like your surroundings are being sucked into a black hole, and you’re in the center of it. It’s dramatic, and you feel dramatic, but it’s okay. Let yourself feel. Let yourself have the biggest cry session you’ve ever had. Cry in your bed alone with the lights off, cry in your best friends car, cry on your mom’s shoulder; just cry whenever the feelings start to seep and overflow. Reminisce, but don’t linger. Detox your life for all traces of them, so that when a sinking sense of false reality hits, you don’t go back to try and re-feel. Leave the past in the past. Realize you’re not a bad person for needing to be distant. Also realize you’re not a bad person when you’re ready to let that past sneak back in. Just make sure you’re not wearing rose colored goggles. Don’t make demons out of angels. Do deeper delving before you place blame. But also don’t make angels out of demons. When months go by and you’re still in the same pit of missing them, don’t get frustrated. It’s easy to get frustrated over the fact it’s been two months and you still can’t shake the thought of them. Maybe it will be that third month that you start to bloom out of that cocoon of brokenness. Some days you will wake up with them on the mind, and go to bed in the same state. Any then suddenly one day, you wake up, and you’re thoughts are focused on the day ahead, not the person left behind. It’s gradual. Become aware that this process can’t be forced. Trust the process. You can’t make yourself unlove someone, simply because they don’t love you anymore. That’s the cruel nature of it. But eventually, it will hit, that you do not love them anymore. It could be weeks, maybe months, but it will come. You will hear this from a million people and not believe them; not until it happens to you. It might still hurt to hear their name, or see pictures, but your love for them will have fallen with the autumn leaves. Don’t feel bad if they’re trying to wiggle back into your life, and you’re not ready. If you are ready, be polite, but don’t be overtly giving. Your time is up and that isn’t your job anymore. You’re the CEO of your own life. You call the shots. Be fearless and fearful at the same time about new prospective relationships. Be honest and open about how you feel with that new person. Don’t have the mindset of “Am I ready to do this again?” This new relationship is not the old one. It may have similarities, and it may not have any. Realize over and over again that you are in control. You decide what happens next. You may have not been in control with the break-up, the aftermath is all you. The ball is in your court.

second guess

I remember constantly being worried about how others felt about me. Whether I was funny, if my shoes were nice, or whether people thought I was the kindergarten equivalent to cool at that time. A five year old me was so worried about being accepted that I developed the habit of second guessing myself no matter what I did. If I thought someone else wouldn’t like it, I refused to continue. And that habit affected me in everything I did. The habit developed and got worse and it became my worst enemy when I started to write.

In middle school, I obsessed over writing novels and I had composition notebooks filled with different story ideas and starts to the novels I had in mind to write. I was inspired by so many authors like James Patters and Sarah Dessen. However, I didn’t write necessarily based on what I liked. Instead of just self-critiquing and figuring out what I wanted in it or out of it, I would consistently ask my classmates and teachers to read over it. I was in need of approval and a say-so from people. I had never thought about how I wanted the reader to feel or the general audience I was looking for. I just wanted it to seem good enough so that I could get a pat on the back and a well done.

So what if they didn’t like it? I’d throw away ideas that I had. Even if I got the approval that I wanted from those people, I would irrationally think of all the worst possible outcomes if I were to continue on with the work. That’s when I just gave up. Many pages that had brilliant ideas and great starting points were pushed aside and abandoned all because I second guessed myself and doubted my abilities.

As an artist, a part of our job and the future of it is, sometimes, based on people’s opinions about you. Given. However, there is a completely fine line between making your work okay for yourself and others and just making work specifically for everyone else and not giving yourself a chance to incorporate risky, original ideas. It’s not fair and you’re robbing yourself. Writing or any other art is based off of what you feel is right. It’s a form of self expression. Meaning it belongs to you and what is yours is yours.

Consistently wondering whether millions of people read or see what you’ve created can lead to so many hinderances. That’s where second guessing often occurs. You continue to throw out ideas and work that seemed perfect to you at first but just because a couple people didn’t enjoy it, you decided to throw it away. You shouldn’t throw away art that easily. Whether many people like it or just a handful of them do, what matters is if you feel content. Does it make you feel happy? Does it make you feel sad? Does it strike the intended audience the way you wanted it to? You are apart of that intended audience, regardless of if you realize it or not. Never second guess yourself if you feel in your heart that your work has served its purpose to you. Just continue to edit, push, and release.