New Year, Same Me, New Routine

As I stated in my last blog, 2019 is the year of taking the lessons I learned in 2018 and applying them. Keep that in mind while reading this….

New Year: As of 12:00:00 AM January 1, 2019, it is no longer 2018. Get it? Got it? Good! 

Same Me: I was born February 28, 2002 at 7:31 P.M. at GLH. Just because the time and date changes, does not mean I have to change to. Therefore, the New Year, New Me thing does not apply to me. What I will do though is grow, which is what we all should thrive to do every-day.

New Routine: In order for me to grow, I have to put myself on a routine or schedule that involves all things that will enhance my mental, emotional,and physical traits. Of course just because I put myself on a routine or schedule, does not mean everything in my life is going to happen according to that. But, that is where the growth comes in. How do I deal with the unexpected things that take place? 

Here is my routine/schedule:

Mental: Around October or November, I started having frequent headaches. I used to wonder why, but now I know. It was because I constantly remembered EVERYTHING I had to do/know. I never wrote anything down, I would just keep it all in my head. So now, as soon as I recognize that something has to be added to my day or week, I put it in my calendar on my phone and set two reminders for it. That way, I can go through the day only worrying about what I am focused on at that time. It is still a lot, but a lot easier. 

Physical: Around November, I started noticing that either my pants were shrinking or I was gaining weight. Come to find out, I was gaining weight. When we went home for Christmas/New Year’s break, I went to the doctor and found out that I have gained 40+ pounds. I wish I could blame it on this school, but I can’t. It was all me. So, before my birthday, February 28, I will tone this weight. I don’t want to lose it because the weight looks good on me. I just need it all to not look like it’s just there. So, I am committing to exercise everyday. I WILL…. stretch, walk for 4 minutes and 25 seconds, do 16-25 squats, run for 2 minutes and 16 seconds, do this crazy leg/stomach/back workout, lift 40-60 pounds of weights, do the Move Your Body challenge, and run in place EVERYDAY! I think by the end of January, I should be fine, don’t you think? 

Emotional: I was an emotional WRECK by November. Guess what? Now…. “I PUT MY FEELINGS ON SAFETY!” < Ella Mai Reference! I’m returning to people whatever energy I receive from them, PERIOD. 

Thanks for reading/skimming…. 

Author: Michael Coleman

Multi-Talented: Singer, Writer, Dancer, and Fashion King They say if you love something, you've got to let it go. And if it comes back, then it means so much more. If it never does, at least you will know that.... it was something you had to go through to grow.

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