The Thing About Hawking

I have always been fascinated by Stephen Hawking. I may not be a science buff, but his thoughts have really made me consider the concept of time. I remember the first time I watched The Theory of Everything. I was in junior high, and I was trying make connections to what I actually believed about life. The movie, which is Stephen Hawking’s life story, left me gasping for breath. The man, his family, and everything they went through is truly remarkable. That movie was honestly the beginning of the formation for my current thought process.

This weekend, I watched it again. I had searched and recorded it a few weeks ago when I was thinking about Hawking and his death, which happened in March of this year. Watching it this time was an entirely new experience. I am older now, so I could better understand it all this time.

You see, it is not just his thoughts that leave me awed. Quite honestly, I don’t understand a good bit of it. I’m not a physicist after all. What is so phenomenal to me is that he was diagnosed with ALS when he was twenty-one. He was expected to die with two years. He didn’t. No, instead he got married and had children. Instead of dying, he gave life to a theory, and then he disproved it. Instead of dying at the age of 23, he died at the age of 76, having lived life to the best of his ability. He met the Queen. He denied knighthood. No, his life wasn’t easy. He lost the ability to voluntarily move a single muscle, but he didn’t stop. He took the concept of time and ran with it. He spent his entire adult life trying to prove the beginning of time and put it all into an equation. He was exceptional.

This man inspires me beyond anything. I read about him, and I feel as if I can do anything as long as I have the ambition to do it. Stephen Hawking gives me hope. He and I may have nothing in common, but I can only dream of being as strong Hawking. I will hold his story with me through every trial, and I will remember that he lived. If he could live, if he could keep going, then so can I.

I recommend watching The Theory of Everything. It will truly change the way you see life.

friday nights

All week I wait for the weekend. I love the memories they give me. Many weekends are spent with my friends and I riding around in my car, blaring music obscenely loud as we drive through our little t0wn of Monticello.

I can’t even count how many hours I have spent sitting at Sonic. Seriously, Sonic is the hangout in our town. On a Friday night at about ten o’clock, after a football game, the place is crowded. There are loud rednecks sitting on tailgates and every now and then someone accidently rams into another car.

My friends and I tend to stay on the quieter side of things, in my car that is. We tend to sit and watch people get in fights or just be dumb and we laugh while eating mozzarella sticks and tater tots.

Funny as it seems, we actually have some really good talks there. It’s very convenient, because when someone starts to cry, I can just push a button and get some ice cream.

That’s not how I spend my whole weekend, but that is an average Friday night for me.

hoarding Royal danish cookies and also Hatsune Miku

Its that time of the year again! the time where we ignore Thanksgiving, and skip straight to Christmas.

So, what gets me in the holiday spirit? Royal Danish cookies and Hatsune Miku, of course! Nothing says Christmas like food and Japanese hologram pop-stars. As soon as Walmart puts out those cookies, you can rest assured that the new snow Miku outfit will be released the next day.


This years snow Miku outfit isn’t my favorite, but that’s okay. I just find this very impractical considering the amount of snow around her. then again, she’s not real. the weather / temperature do not bother her. If only that were me.

Not sure why I’m really doing this, But here’s my top 10 favorite Hatsune Miku songs, in no particular order, and for very vague reasons.

10. Sweet magic

i like the part where she isn’t saying any actual words, but just uses catchy fillers. very nice. good outfits. cant say sweet right. more like “sweetu” which i highly enjoy.

9. Sand Planet

only for the death metal screech at the very beginning. she says happy birthday at some point.

8. 1,2 Fanclub

there’s so many languages in this song and it gets confusing. If you learn 3 languages in under 4 minutes, its a good song.

7. My Seventh Celebration


also I low key based my coffee house poem off this song.

6. Romeo and Cinderella

I just. AHHH the part where she slightly drops her voice. I cry every time I listen to this song strictly for the fact that she kinda uses  her lower range I love Miku so so much.

5. Ghost Rule

its a very fast paced song but she has one really long note in it and it just makes the whole song so interesting to listen to

4. Worlds End Dancehall

i love the idea of two bands battling while on top of train cars, and this song just really captures that. Miku and Luka are dancing and singing in competition but they join together and it’s just such a  powerful message about friendship and settling differences.

3. The foxes wedding day




“I sleep where the Lady Fox sleeps.” is one of my favorite parts of the song.

like, wow. what does that even mean? are you Lady fox? did you take over Lady Fox? Where is Lady Fox? so much mystery i love it.

2. Sadistic music factory

shes so EVIL and ANGRY and its so cool. and it progressively speeds up, which makes it have a kind of creepy vibe.

  1. The skeleton orchestra and lilia

I have no clue what this song is trying to get across, but I highly enjoy it. it’s Miku, in a red dress, dancing with skeletons. What more could you ask for?


Does age really matter.!?

This post was inspired by a comment made to me earlier this week. 

The other night, I was talking to someone on the phone. We were discussing some things that have taken place in their life, that they did not necessarily like. They contentiously made it clear that they did not want anyone to care about them because of some things people had done to them in the past. So I told that person, “I know sometimes we feel like we are super-human and do not need anyone or anything, but the reality is, we do. I do not care who or what it is, we all have to depend on someone or something at some point in our lives, even as adults.” That person felt the need to say to me, “No, you do not understand. You are only 16, so you have not really been through anything.

I thought it would be nice to give that person a friendly reminder as to where I was and what I was doing, and they still felt the same way. It got me thinking, does anyone truly understand the struggles of a teenager, in this day and age because it does not seem like it. Being a teenager in 2018 is not a walk in the park. Let alone a teenager in 2018 who is, what feels like, a million miles away from home. Do not get me wrong, some of the things we are so called “stressed” about, much like being here, we bring upon ourselves. None the less, life happens to all of us.

Let’s break it down. Think about what the average 16-year old may endure; not that much, right? Maybe some family issues, some disagreements between friends, some bullying, maybe struggling in a class or two? Well move them hours away from home with teenagers who are experiencing or have experienced some of the exact same issues and leave them there to stay. I am not saying it is impossible to handle it, but it is a lot.  People need to understand that everyone does not deal with things the same way. Actually, I read this quote the other day and it spoke volumes to this generation, as a whole. 

"The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets, the prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, and the kindest hearts have felt the most pain." 

To me, this hold a lot of weight. When it comes to what people go through, especially teenagers, we should just be there for one another because we never truly know what others are going through unless we are there to experience it with them.

 Maybe I am just looking to deep into it, but I am just not a fan of people discrediting others for the things they have gone through based off of a personal opinion/judgement. 


The Importance of Knocking

You came without asking,

Took without warning.

Left with no goodbye.

Repeated like you never went.


You were the stench in the air.

The elephant in this room.

Uncomfortable is how I’d describe.

How anyone who knew you would.


When I’d ask you to leave,

You’d give that forbidden smirk,

Then move even closer to me.

Invading any space I thought I had.


Never was I allowed to breathe,

without asking you first.

Never was I allowed to leave,

without informing you first.


I got tired of this circus you made of me.

I got tired of the Jack-in-the-box you put me in.

Hell, I even got tired of the person inside me.

Snapping was inevitable.


The kitchen knife was cold.

And so was your lifeless body.

You now lay on my front door step.

With the door closed in front of you.


My bed is now reclaimed,

The monsters stay beneath.


I can’t see you.


And this is why i knock,

before entering any room.


Navigating Skin Care

I´m on a journey this year to get back to my summer skin.

Over the summer of 2018, I had the best skin that I think I have had since before teenage years. It was clear, hydrated, and glowing.

I was L I V I N G and proud of the skin I had.

Now, it´s not going too well.

My skin is hydrated for the most part sure, but I´m breaking out more often than ever, and this is not how I´m trying to live. I want to be able to go back to my summer skin, glowing and bright.

I figured out the culprit of it though: coconut oil.

On Pinterest you’ll see people raving about how this magic potion cured their skin, but beware, it’s dangerous. Sure, for some people coconut oil is amazing and won’t clog their pores, while also keeping their skin healthy and dewy, but for some, it will have adverse affects. For people with prone to clog pores, like me, coconut oil can break them out horribly, and also leave their skin with dry patches. Rip my skin.

So now I that I’ve figured once of the things that is causing my skin to act up, I can get a routine in order.

First I need to start off with general tips and tricks to getting my skin back in shape.

  1. Drinking a ton of water.

I know that´s super basic, but it´s something that proved effective in past. I used to drink so much water during the day, and it really showed and aided in keeping my face dewy and nice. Now, well yikessss I should definitely be trading in millions of diet cokes I have a day, for more water bottles. I even used to add in lemon, to give my metabolism a good kick-start in the morning.

2. Eating Healthier

I´m currently Vegetarian, which is a step forward, but I still don´t have a ¨clean¨ diet. My goal by this time next year, is to have shifted to a completely Vegan diet. Eating less processed food, will apparently shift my skin into the right direction. While this is not the only reason I want to be Vegan, it´s a nice added bonus. I know that this huge change is going to be difficult, but new year new me.

3. Using Sunscreen

This is something I never ever do, but I really should start. Protecting your skin early is important so that you don´t wind up with sun damaged skin.

4. Developing a Routine

This last point leads me into the overall bulk of this post, which is having a solid skincare routine. Something I have always wanted to try, is the Korean 10-Step skincare routine. It´s exactly what it sounds like, which is a 10-step routine that apparently is supposed to help your skin live it´s best life. Here´s the routine and what each step is supposed to do for your skin.


  1. Oil-Based Cleanser

This step is for doing a base cleanse of the skin. Most people think this is only to remove makeup, but it also will draw anything “impure” to the skin’s surface, for the next step to take care of.

2. Water-Based Cleanser

This step is more of the face itself being cleaned. All those impurities that were previously brought to the surface level of the skin, are now being cleansed.

3. Exfoliator

This step should only be used a couple times a week, but it’s a vital step to have. Exfoliators will clean out pores and also remove dead skin cells that usually can clog up pores. You will notice your face becomes softer after doing this step.

4. Toner

Toner is a product most people, including myself, tend to forget about. Toners will balance the pH level of your skin, so that your skin will not become all dry and c r u s t y. Toner also comes before all of your moisturizing products, so that it can aid in them being properly used on the skin’s surface.

5. Essence

I’m not going to lie, I’ve never used an essence a day in my life, but I’m gonna start. Essences basically hydrate the skin, but most of the time also have anti-aging agents in them, to give your skin a nice, youthful glow.

6. Serum

Serums are made to specifically treat a certain skin concern you might have. Anything from targeting breakouts, to hydrating, to balancing skin tone. You name it, there is probably a serum for it. Me and my best friend used the same serum over the summer, and we both fell in love it. It’s what I credit a lot of my amazing summer skin to.

7. Skin Masks

These are like added bonuses to your face. It’s just extra hydration and nutrients that your skin will L O V E. And it’s super fun trying them all out.  Pro-tip, if you’re using a sheet mask, put it on before you put on your serum, wait half the amount of time it says to leave the mask on. Once half the time is up, lift up the mask and put on your serum. Lift it back down, let the mask finish, and voila! The mask helps the serum seep in even more with that technique! Or so the myth goes.

8. Eye Cream

I will also admit, I’ve never used an eye cream. I honestly thought they were for the elderly or for someone with really intense dark circles, which they kinda are? But everyone should use one. Eye creams help dark circles under the eye go away, along with puffiness, and helps prevent wrinkles. It’s also a extra hydration factor.

9. Moisturizer

Oh my god I feel like a lot of these steps are just giving moisture to the skin, but as Ms. Sibley says, “Trust the Process” and so I will. Moisturize is kind of the all day moisture that your skin needs, and will help lock in all the other steps for MEGA MOISTURE. This is the key for ultimate glowy skin.

10. SPF

As I mentioned, sunscreen is an often overlooked step, but it is super duper important. Your skin needs to protected from UV Rays that  could cause physical damage to your face’s appearance in the long wrong. A lot of skin care is prevention, so that your skin will be looking in tip top shape come your middle ages.


And there we go! There is the ten step routine I’m going to try to follow. I’ll probably give an update on this come a couple of months, to give my own personal routine, and give an update on my skin. Maybe that impending blog post will keep me on my skin care game?

Anyone have any “holy-grail” skin care products?

my thoughts on having a stuffed animal when you’re seventeen

I’ll be the first to admit it: I still sleep with stuffed animals. I have been since I was young. I would often wake up with one on the floor, which made me feel horrible for letting the poor little guy drop down while I wasn’t paying attention.

When I was young, I had a teddy bear that I got from my aunt for Valentine’s Day one year. I named him Teddy, like any sensible four year old would do. I often had him with me. Admittedly, I would even take him to the orthodontist with me until I was in seventh grade, because I just needed something to squeeze to take my mind off of the doctor that was adjusting the wires in my mouth.

I lost Teddy a few years ago. I have no idea where he is. He probably accidentally got placed in a storage box and put somewhere I’m bound not to look. I kinda miss him. But that’s beside the point.

These days, I sleep with two animals in particular. One of them was another gift from my parents: it was a soft stuffed owl that could almost act like a pillow because of how round he was. But he doesn’t really compare to my other stuffed animal.

The stuffed animal I sleep with the most often is a brown stuffed bear. No, it isn’t Teddy. This bear is larger than Teddy, and has more fluffy fur. I named the new bear Lil’ Muffin. Lil’ Muffin actually is very important to me, even though I didn’t even know about it until maybe two years ago.

I distinctly remember that we were cleaning my closet (becuase my closet is a monstrocity) and I was taking clothes down from the back shelf on the wall. As I reached up, I noticed something brown and furry on one of the shelves. I took it down and examined it.

I was holding a stuffed bear, brown and full of fluff. He smelled like a carpet. You know the smell. When I showed him to my mom, she gasped. I didn’t know why, but then she told me.

The bear I was holding was given to me by my birth mom. I had been adopted, something I already knew, but I didn’t know I had any mementos of my mom. But here I was, sixteen years after my birth, holding a bear from her that I didn’t even know I had.

Since then, I’ve slept with Lil’ Muffin almost every night. Not because of sentimental reasons, actually- it’s because I missed having something to squeeze while I slept. And Lil’ Muffin is the perfect size for squeezing.

The Ancient Magus’ Bride Vol.2 (Beware! Spoilers Ahead!)

Last month, I reviewed Kore Yamazaki’s The Ancient Magus’ Bride Vol. 1. This month, I continue to review the 10 volume manga series with this blog focusing on volume 2.

So, if you read last month’s blog, you’ll know that Yamazaki left us hanging at the end of the volume. Renfred and Alice (Renfred’s apprentice) captured Chise as she was starting the purification spell that would destroy the blight that had been giving the Cats of Ulthar problems.

Just like Volume 1, Vol.2 is jam-packed with background information, filler content, and ends with a cliff hanger that makes me want to pull my hair out.

So to begin, the first really important bit of the book is probably the very beginning where Yamazaki starts right where he left off. As i already said, the Alchemists have Chise and Ariel in his grasps. Chise, of course, makes a rash decision and escapes, saving Ariel from the very literal iron fist of Renfred and ends up only slightly injured in the process. Pilum Murale (or Elias) uses his magic to teleport(?) to Chise.

While this is all really interesting artwork and action, the most important aspect of these scenes is the dialogue. We learn that as  Sleigh Buggy, Chise’s lifespan is very short. We also learn that Elias is using her as a “guinea pig” of sorts. Once again, Chise is offered a way out of the magical lifestyle she has been thrown into, but she doesn’t take it. Instead, she states very clearly that Elias is her family now and that she will stick by him until her death which is presumably coming very quickly.

But anyways, Chise purifies the blight and then goes into a fortnight (2 week) long coma.

The next really important scene takes place in Chapter 8: The Faerie Queene. In this chapter, Elias visits Chise as she sleeps in the forest. Apparently, he thought this was the best way for her to regain her magic and consciousness because nature. But no matter how ridiculous that is, he visits her out in the woods.

Here, Titania, the Queen of all Faerie, and Oberon, her husband, visit Elias and a sleeping Chise. Oberon actually uses his magic to awaken Chise. We are also reminded that Chise is not only Elias’s mentee but his fiancèe as well.

We learn of some interesting new conflicts when the queen and her husband leave through their guard, Spriggan. After the queen invites Chise and Elias to Albion, the Fae kingdom, he threatens Elias by saying “…do not dream of setting foot into our lands. A flesh clad halfling like you has no place there.”

This is interesting because this is not the first time we’ve heard Elias be referred to as a halfling. At the beginning of Vol. 2, Renfred makes a comment saying how Elias will never be human and can never be Fae again.

But that is all we receive from Yamazaki in this volume on that specific matter.

Anyways, Spriggan then speaks to Oberon and says, “The liath anam herald disaster and despair… How many souls have been lost because of him?” This only deepens my curiosity about Elias and his past in Albion. But Yamazaki gives nothing more on this either.

The next big event occurs in Chapter 10: Speak of the devil, and he is sure to appear. This is happens to be when we learn of the “main bad guy,” an alchemist. Alice, who was captured by Chise, speak of the boy(?), and he appears just as the title references.

This volume ends with the Alchemist injuring Chise when she tries to save Alice from getting attacked by the Alchemist’s chimera.


Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

“Red Queen is a young adult fantasy novel written by American writer Victoria Aveyard. It was her first series and her first novel. It was published in February 2015. Its sequels are Glass Sword, King’s Cage and War Storm”

“A sizzling, imaginative thriller, where romance and revolution collide, where power and justice duel. It’s exhilarating. Compelling. Action-packed. Unputdownable.” (USA Today)

“Aveyard weaves a compelling new world of action-packed surprises… inventive, character-driven.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“A volatile world with a dynamic heroine.” (Booklist)

“Breakneck pace and engaging characters.” (School Library Journal)

“ [Aveyard] sets her audience up for a gaspworthy twist that reconfigures nearly every character’s role and leaves Mare with no one to trust but herself… This blend of fantasy and dystopia will be an unexpected and worthy addition to many genre fans’ reading list.” (Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books)

“Fascinating world building… Readers will be intrigued by a world that reflects today’s troubling issues concerning ethnic inequality, unfair distribution of wealth, pollution, warfare, political corruption, and the frightening power of the media.” (Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA)

In a world where opposites don’t attract in the slightest, Mare Barrow is in the middle of it.

This story starts off as your average poor girl just trying to make ends meet and save her family and only friend from absolute poverty, all while trying to save herself from conscription, compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces.

Mare has seen her brothers before her, leave to fight a war that is not their own, her own, but soon she will be apart of it if she doesn’t find a way out.

And above all, she must sit through mandatory displays of power by Silvers; the rich, wealthy, and all powerful beings of silver blood. Mare finds herself hating the Silver kind, but also comparing them to that of Gods.

Mare’s life is in an unending spiral, especially when she gets her sister into a situation that leaves her with broken fingers, and Mare a guilty heart. Soon after, Mare meets a man who changes her life, later finding out he is heir to the throne of Norta. He gifts her a job within the palace, which is fine and dandy until her life is put on the line.

Mare’s life flashes before her eyes as she plummets into a pit of electricity at the Queenstrial event, to choose the next queen. But instead of dying, something incredible happens.

Mare beats death and as a cover up, the King and Queen of Norta throw Mare into a life that is not her own: the forgotten princess Mareen Titanos.

She is then betrothed to the second son of the king: Maven Calore, the prince, and that is all he will ever be.

Along with her new life, Mareena is put in the routine of becoming a “proper lady” which is unlike herself.

Mare and Mareena are two different personas, but she feels as if they are often morphing, forgetting herself.

Mare must prove herself to the Queen, who torments her at every turn, the Red Dawn; people of her own kind who fight for a cause and against the crown, and the crown and the royalty behind it.

There is a twisted turn at every point of this story and it will for sure keep you on edge.

the perks of being a wallflower

when thinking of books that have resonated with me – really, truly resonated with me – this book often heads the top of the list. this story by stephen chbosky has been in my life in many different forms, each one hitting me in a different way than the last.

the first experience i ever had with this story was in seventh grade, around the time its film adaptation came out. from the get-go, knowing nothing more about it than what i saw from trailers on tv, i despised it. absolutely wholeheartedly detested it, based solely on the idea that it was just some boring tumblr-cliche, hipster-y, coming-of-age junk. this was a time in my life where i very aggressively prided myself on the notion that i was “not like other girls” and utterly loathed anything that would categorize me as either a “basic white girl” or a pretentious hipster.

come eighth grade, however, things became a little different. i Totally Legally watched the film on my phone one night in bed and proceeded to cry my eyes out. truth be told, i think it’s the first film that’s ever drawn out completely gut-wrenching sobs from my body. this was a time in my life were i was – to put it lightly – having a really horrible time. it had become so easy for me to isolate myself and convince myself that things would never get any better. then i got curious, and i watched that film i had claimed to hate just a few months prior, and everything was new.

finally getting around to reading the book hit me even harder, although in a different way. it was interesting to see all of the details that felt so big and important while reading the book that didn’t make their way into the film, as well as to see little things that came up in their own subtle ways.

really, i was more enamored with how the book was able to capture something the film couldn’t quite get. i saw so much of myself in the main character, charlie – not in his experiences, but how he experiences. as i get older and find myself going back to this book, i find newer parts of myself that i didn’t have the last time i read the book. as i keep my own journal, just as charlie does, i begin to notice new parallels, and even lines that run together as one.

i feel that seldom do readers ever find a book that they can truly and wholeheartedly find themselves within. it’s not really a matter of connecting with the characters, but more so an act of seeing so much of oneself reflected through paper and ink. chbosky’s book is able to capture mature themes such as adolescence, mental illness, and sexual abuse in an innocent candor that i’ve yet to find match for. there’s something incredibly endearing about the sheer vulnerability of the story being told, as well as the fact that such mature themes never once take away from the innocence of how the story is being told. it’s something that has stuck with me not only as a reader, but as a writer who wants – more than anything – to share vulnerability with my own readers. the influence of this book’s storytelling on my own is unmatched by any book i’ve ever read, and i’m sure any book i ever will.